sick reader X doctor (11)

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Pov:Lucy is struggling with a sick bug after eating alien food the doctor forgot humans couldn't digest.He helps her through the night as her condition gets worse.

Tw: throwing up,fever/being very Ill

You'd been on the amazing planet croaeria had been so great!there was a beach,spa and massage place where you and the doctor had spent the whole day just relaxing.After a dip you decided to get some were used to eating alien food by now,the eccentric flavours filing your stomache,and this food was no different.or so you thought.

You'd started to notice the constant cold sweat on your forehead now as the quantity increased and your hairline grew damper and damper.You were confused as to what was happening - maybe a side effect of the spa oils - you thought.that was until you started to tremble:
your hands,then legs,then arms,until the doctor noticed the small involuntary rattle of the fork in your hand against the plate.

"Lucy are you alright."

" I don't k-know."
Your words stuttered as your teeth started to chatter you.your body felt lukewarm,the uncomfortable feeling of too hot and too cold at the same dropped your fork onto the plate,feeling a wave of electricity that almost made you pass out,flood your body.
The plate made a large clatter as you looked to the doctor worriedly.

"What's wrong? Lucy?Lucy what's wrong?"
He pressed the questions onto you,worry across his face too but you didn't know what to answer.your head beated in sync with your heart that was rapidly speeding struggled to breath,your throat clogging up, refusing air to your lungs.
The tips of your fingers started to turn blue and that was when the doctor gave dropped completely of emotion.His eyes widened once more as the tips of your hair turned blue too.

"Um- well...I know what's wrong."he told to you quietly, paralyzed with dread.
"The food.the food is poisonous to humans.I forgot."he spoke,not blinking once as more of your hair and fingers turned blue.

You felt your head start to drift to the side,your eyes rolling back and an echoey sound of the doctors chair being pushed back with a was the crowd of footsteps and then his hand that pushed your head against him so it didn't smash forwards into the table.

"Lucy,Lucy stay with so sorry."he slapped your cheek lightly but repetitively and you looked up to him the best as you could,your eyes not working together, bouncing all over the place.

"Ah.stage three,not good.stage one was the sweating,then the shaking.stage two;hair and hands turning blue,followed by stage three,the loss of control of your body.We need to get you back to the TARDIS before stage four."

You grasped his tweed jacket sleeve.
"I'm gonna throw up."you gasped out.

"Oh no,stage four."
He pulled you up,half supporting you and half dragging you along to the restraunt bathrooms.He held your waist,pushing you gently Infront of him as you both hurried into the lavatories.
There were a few screams from people inside,looking into mirrors and Washing their hands because it was the 'orange room' which I'm guessing meant no short haired aliens -as everyone in the room had long hair- but the doctor didn't even apologize, just kicked open one of the empty doors as you ran in and fell to your knees,throwing up into the toilet.

You felt his hands frantically fumbling over the back of your head,unsure of what to do before he gathered your hair in one of his hands so nothing got covered in your sick.

"Oh Lucy,I am so so sorry.this is all my fault."

You just threw up some more,your guts squeezing with pain,chest convulsing everytime you gagged.It was worse than throwing up on earth,the artificial gravity making your stomache tumble and the low wiring of the flying restaurants engine making things worse.(yes croaeria 1 had a flying restaurant,of course it did.)

The vomiting didn't stop for ages;half an hour had passed and you weren't even throwing up anything anymore,just your muscles spasming sporadically causing you to gag harshly.You had thrown up so violently that black dots picked at your vision.Every so often your arm or leg would jerk and you would be knocked off balance,the Doctor having to pull you up again.You just cried,tears falling onto the edge of the human toilet,feeling so week inside and your head banging so hard you couldn't focus on anything.It wasn't a small sad cry either,it was a deep,ugly cry that took everything out of you.the doctor would wipe your face every five minutes when the tears seemed to stop,the dripping of them into the toilet water finally silencing,but then something would go wrong,your arm accidently hitting the wall as it jerked,or your hair brushing your neck as the Doctor tried to hold on to the quantity of it,sending a chill through your bones, that made you start crying all over again.

The toilets were empty by now,you had been in the planet all day and only got dinner late so the chances were the restaurant was almost completely empty by now.The doctor had soniced the bathroom shut for you so you had the whole place to yourself.

You leaned your forehead on the edge of the bowl,beginning to shiver,teeth chattering again.You no longer felt nauseous, overwhelming exhaustion taking its place as your eyelid drifted shut,too heavy to keep open anymore.
"Lucy?"the doctor whispered."luuucyyyyyy"he poked your cheek,your head just rolling to the side,teeth rattling loudly.
"T-t-t-t-t-tar..."you hiccuped loudly,your chest stabbing with pain,
"dis..."You heard him nod,starting to gather up your loose limbs into his arms,bridal style,and felt the frame of the door brush your shoulder as he left the bathroom.There was a rush of cold -probably exiting the restaurant that had long landed- and then an engulfing warmth a few minutes after,filling you contently to the bones.
"Thnk"was all you could mutter out gratefully to the TARDIS.
The doctor chuckled a bit.
"Heeeeyyyy.doon't lauauuugh!"you speech was slurred and slow,as if drunk,as with each word you fell a bit quieter,the tiredness taking you over.
The next thing you knew,you had fallen asleep,your thoughts being tucked into the back of your head as the doctor layed you on your mattress and switched of a light,laying down next to you to watch over your sleeping body Incase you were sick again.
And you slept peacefully,the comfort of one of the doctors arms protectively wrapped around you making your unconscious self snuggle down into him.All better.

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