Chapter 18

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Bonnie closed her eyes for a quick moment letting out a breath on the drive back to the hotel. She doesn't know why she's suddenly shaking but maybe it's because in just sixteen hours she will be walking down the aisle and though sixteen seems somewhat like a lot, minus the sleeping, that only makes it five hours. She felt her heart start to beat rapidly so she stopped thinking about time and opened her eyes to see that she did so just in time because the car parked in front of the hotel building. She got out once the door opened and waited for her friend before they walked inside.

"So how are you feeling?" Caroline asked once they were in her hotel room.

"Are you and Enzo dating?"

She frowned. "What?"

"I don't care if you are, honestly, I just want to know. For some reason, I need to know."

Caroline watched her face before exhaling seeing that she was completely serious. "After I told you and left early, I told Enzo what I told you and he got really angry with me and at himself. I gave him space and a few days later I visit him and he seemed calm and I told him what I did again and explained to him why I did it and he didn't feel the same way back so imagine me sitting there feeling like a complete asshole—which I am, and I learned a lot about myself because of it. I always let the boys in my life dictate my life and I get possessive so I spill my heart out and what do you know, nine times out of ten it just ends up blowing up in my face and I'm there looking like a complete loser."

"Why Enzo?"

"I don't even know how it started. And I know that's not the answer you want, but it's the truth. One day we're barely friends then the next we have sex on a frequent basis."

"He told me it was because I was never around and he just needed someone to be around and apparently you were around and it happened." Bonnie watched her friends face seeing the hurt within them. "You loved him, didn't you?"

She wiped the tear that fell from her right eye. "I thought I did. Thinking about it, it wasn't him that I loved, it was the comfort I would feel in his arms and the passion he made me feel. Anyone could've provided that for me. I was just lonely. And I'm sorry, Bonnie. I don't know why I would even think about hurting the one person who has been there for me through everything."

"I do forgive you, Caroline. To be honest, I was more upset with him. He took advantage of both of us. He made me feel like shit for being with Stefan when he was the one who was in the wrong. Way longer than I have been." She exhaled. "But anyway I am in a way thankful for what happened because Stefan saw me at my worst and he still wanted to be with me."

She smiled. "I must say, Bonnie, Stefan is the perfect guy for you. The way you both were at dinner, the way you two look at each other," she shook her head, "it's meant to be."

She smiled. "No one has ever made me feel the way he does. I can't wait to marry him."

Caroline hugged her tightly. "I love you, B."

"I love you too."

"I bought us something especially for tonight," Caroline smiled then stood walking back to her room.

Bonnie laughed when she came back with matching silk pajamas then stood to take a closer look. Tears formed in her eyes seeing the word 'bride' stitched into hers and hugged it close to her body. "Thank you, this is so sweet," she hugged her friend.

"I've always dreamed about this moment for us and it included matching silk pajamas."

They shared a laugh.

"Let's wash our makeup off, get dressed, and sip some champagne."

Caroline linked their arms and together, they walked back to the bathroom. "Oh and by the way, Stefan really didn't have to pay for all this, this is crazy."

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