Chapter 22

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I'm not sure how to start this one, so I think it's best to just start from the beginning. Mister met me at one of the lowest points in my life. I had found out that my best friend and boyfriend at the time, had been dating for a few months behind my back. News like this, you never want to believe, you refuse to believe it until you see it with your own eyes so admittedly, I had them followed. Just for one day, I know how crazy that makes me seem, but it's the truth. That night I was sent photos of the two as they spent the whole day together as if what they were doing was completely normal and fine. As if they didn't give a single shit about my feelings at all as they made out and laughed and held hands. My heart was crushed but I had a movie that I needed to focus on so I was glad for the distraction. Then I saw him. Mister. I remember how beautiful I thought his eyes were and how white his teeth were once he smiled at me introducing himself. Somehow I was able to keep my cool and introduced myself back. We started talking about acting, getting to know one another and he invited me out for dinner. "Just to get to know each other a little better," he made sure to say so that we both know this isn't an actual date. Honestly, that crushed me too. I found myself thinking between takes just how undesirable I must be because if my boyfriend could move on so easily without having the decency to break up with me, then why would Mister see me as anything other than a coworker?

During that dinner, I found myself not having to force a smile or laugh anymore. He made me feel like he actually cared and the best part was I knew that he did. He would always look so deep into my eyes as I talked, making me feel heard and important. I found myself telling him about the situation going on back home and he genuinely apologized and said that I deserved none of that. He told me that whoever he was, was an idiot for ever doing something like that to me and offered to beat him up as a joke and I laughed and told him that I have my own ways of making his life miserable. He raised his bushy eyebrow at that and I cursed in my mind thinking that I may have gone too far, that I lost his interest and he thinks I'm crazy. I quickly try to think of something adorable to say but we both looked down at his phone as it started to vibrate and I read a woman's name before he picks it up and excuses himself. I wanted to bang my head against the window next to me until it broke. I have a staredown with that window and just as I was running the possibilities over my head, Mister sits back down in front of me and apologizes, saying that it was his girlfriend needing some help with something. Our waitress came and took our empty plates and a part of me hoped that she would ask if we wanted any dessert but she didn't and I hated it because I didn't want the night to end like this. He thinking I'm crazy only confirming more that he's glad he has a sane girlfriend back at home.

I thanked him for the night and offered to pay the check but he looked at me like I was crazy and told me "absolutely not" before he reached for his wallet. For some reason that made me smile. We hugged and I never felt so small but in a good way. Like he was the protector of all the shit going on in my life and I hated when he moved his arms away. He touched my face and told me that he'd see me tomorrow and walked down to his car. My heart had never beaten so fast. I felt like crying but not because I was sad, but because I felt some happiness and love.

The next day, he smiled upon seeing me and told me that he had a great time last night and forgot to mention it in the moment. I told him such back and suggested that we hang out again sometime to which he agreed and told me of a club that he heard about and wanted to check out since we only had night shoots the following day. I agreed immediately then we were pulled onto the set. The day ran longer, not giving me much time to properly get ready but I had to remind myself that he wasn't single but that still didn't stop me from dressing as if he was. I couldn't help it and I had someone in my ear telling me to go for it so I did.

He met me outside and I remember the look on his face once he saw me. It made me feel a little desirable after all. He told me that I looked great and hugged me before moving his arm around my waist and we walked inside together. I didn't notice it at the moment but the paparazzi were capturing our whole encounter and I would see photo evidence of this later that night.

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