Chapter 1

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A/N: Happy 2020! Let's start this year off with my newest story that I only just recently completed. It's unlike any story that I've uploaded so far so I really hope that you all enjoy this one and have a nice time reading! This is the prologue that I wrote in Bonnie POV but the rest of the story won't be that way, I was going to change it but I just decided to leave it how it is, let you all get into Bonnie's head a little more before I introduce more characters. But enough of my ranting!


When I moved to Los Angeles to pursue my career in acting never had I thought that I'd be in a...role like this. When my agent called me and told me that she found the perfect job for me, a job that will guarantee kick off my acting career, a job that I shouldn't refuse I was so excited. I thought that who knows, maybe I could get nominated for an Oscar or at least a Teen Choice Award. I was ready to call my boyfriend and tell him that I was making my big break but luckily I decided to wait until after my meeting because I'm not so sure how he'll feel about this. I'm not so sure how I feel about this. Let me just start from this morning.

I woke up at eight-thirty and brushed my teeth and washed my face before steaming it to open my pores, then applied my favorite chlorophyll mask, left that on for an hour as I went over lines. I had an audition at eleven so I needed to look my best and know my lines. When the hour was up, I washed my face then let it air dry before applying my moisturizer and light makeup. I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast, usually, I don't make breakfast, but I found that before auditions actually having a nice meal calms my nerves rather than eating a handful of cereal then being on my way. So I made eggs, bacon, and pancakes and ate that as I danced to Teyana Taylor's Gonna Love Me. I want to surprise my boyfriend one day with a lap dance to that song when he comes and visits me. By then I am relaxed and confident. I go to change clothes then I'm off to my audition. It went fairly well but you can never know, someone could've done equally as well and they choose her because of the way her eyebrows were shaped.

Behind the wheel, of course, still parked, was when I checked my phone. I don't like the distraction of it when I have things to do so once I've done them, I allow myself to read and scroll and reply. It takes me about an hour to do all of that, then I head to work.

I work at an art gallery and I thoroughly enjoy it. Though I live paycheck to paycheck, it has its perks. I get to attend parties and mingle with the rich folk and hustle them out of some cash by selling work of my own. I say hustle because I literally have no idea what I'm doing when I paint. That's the beauty about abstract, just paint and label it one of a kind and brag about the expensive oil colors or paint you used when in reality it's anything but and people pounce. Well, men mainly, I do have to do a little flirting but it's all so that I can live.

It's at work when I receive the call from my agent about this "life-changing" opportunity and on my lunch break, I rush to her office. Cindy, the receptionist even gave me a smile like my life would be changing as she sent me back and my heart started to beat out of my chest as I walked through her door. I sit down and without a word, she pushed a contract over to me and I skimmed it before I got a little confused.

"Wait, what is this exactly?" Though I thought I knew exactly what it was, I wanted a second opinion.

"Stefan Salvatore is looking for a girlfriend and has chosen you to play the part."

"I still don't get it, I mean he's Stefan Salvatore he can get any woman— wait, is he gay?"

"No, but his publicist is tired of him going to premier after premier alone and lonely. Luckily for you, I have a connection with his publicist and said connection asked me if I had any girl available and I sent over headshots and he chose you."

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