Chapter 7

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Stefan smiled looking over the designs of his new jewelry line. The date of his proposal was inching closer and closer and he couldn't control his emotions. He was excited and also nervous and scared. He has a feeling that Bonnie would accept but there's always a part of him that believes otherwise and for some reason, that small portion just takes over everything. That centimeter of doubt clogs all the miles of assurance.

"Have you decided which one you're going to use?" Mason asked, nudging him out of his head.

"This one here." He lifted the ring between his fingers. "I'm thinking about naming it after her. I just added extra diamonds in there to customize it away from the original so it's unique to her and not everyone else."

"It's beautiful."

"Who the fuck would've thought that I'd be proposing to a woman that wasn't even supposed to be my actual girl."

"I kind of saw it coming. Not the proposing, that caught me completely off guard but I knew Bonnie would mean more to you."

"Since when?"

"The limo ride to the park in Milan. The way you both engaged with each other was just too natural for it to not stem further."

Stefan smiled. "Honestly I was scared that this whole Enzo thing would break us up. I could feel her slipping away but I'm glad I kept trying, otherwise, I don't know."

"How's she going now?"

"Good. I know she's reached out to Caroline since talking to Enzo's dumb ass."

Mason chuckled.

"I mean why would he ever say that her best friend basically means nothing to him and that it was just sex? Even if it were true, I never would've said that. At least make it count for something now he's lost the both of them."

"I really wish I got the chance to meet her or at least see her. See if she's worth it."

"She's blonde. Not exactly my type but she was pretty. Or is."


"I'll show you a pic," Stefan took out his phone and scrolled through Bonnie's Instagram and found a photo of her, then turned to show him.

"Oh, okay."

Stefan chuckled. "Pretty, right?"

"Very, actually."

"Shit, maybe in a couple of years Bonnie would be comfortable enough to hook you two up."

Mason rolled his eyes. "We still on for tonight?"

"Yeah. How does it feel?"

"Nervous and exciting. It's a rough cut so it's not as bad if I were showing the actual thing."

"I'm sure it'll be great, man. I know Bonnie's excited. I invited my mom too, not sure if she'll actually come through, she said she had plans."

"How's she doing?"

"Great, actually. Frank is keeping his distance and I got her house secure just in case. Tim still guards her when she's out and I finally have my mom back. She's Franklin sober and I couldn't be happier."

"That's great, man, I'm glad to hear."

He smiled then let out a breath. "I should go, I have lunch plans with Bonnie," he stood.

Mason rose as well and walked him to the door. "See ya tonight,"

Stefan walked out and headed straight for the elevators. He heard it ding and busy looking at his phone, he walked right in bumping into someone. His eyes narrowed recognizing the face. "What are you doing here?"

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