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Pete watched with fury boiling within his cold steel irises as (Y/N) talked to Butters.

His hard eyes pierced into Butter's skull as he blushed and stuttered in (Y/N) presence.

His friends were too immersed in their poems to see that Pete was scowling with pure hatred.

So now she's flirting with Butters? I see her game. She thinks she can just waltz into my life and manipulate my mind because she seduced me like some witch, and then abandon me dry? I don't think so bitch.

Pete began to think of ideas to somehow talk to her or get her attention, thinking up of only one way.

Pete waited inside the alley next to Village Inn waiting for the (H/C) conformist to pass by on her way home. Too focused on his anger, he did not have an ounce of logical thinking in him to realize lurking in an alley is low common sense.

Seeing her approach, his eyes automatically locked onto her figure, feeling all the anger from before rush back.

When she was in front of the alleyway entrance, he pulled her wrist into the alley and not too gently pushed her up against the wall, trapping her.

When the frightened (E/C) eyes looked at her assaulters features better, the scared look in her eyes diminished to that of just surprise.



Just what are you trying to get at?"


"Shut up!"

Pete's harsh voice quickly made her close her mouth abruptly.

"What's your problem?! You say you like me and then the next minute when I say one thing, you're out the door and never talking to me, ignoring me as if I was some piece of fucking trash on the side of the road! Then you're being a slut with another guy, making me feel weird! What are you doing to me?!"

As Pete took out all of his pent up thoughts and frustrations, he didn't once look in (Y/N)'s eyes, only looking down at the ground.

It was as if he was only telling himself this instead of to the person in front of him.

(Y/N) watched as he took deep breaths after yelling, slowly beginning to calm down.

"Are you done yet?"

(Y/N)'s calm voice interrupted the silence, causing Pete to look up at her.

"You finally looked me in the eyes." Pete's eyes widened in surprise at her observation.

"I didn't think I'd have this much of an effect on you, glad to know that you care this much though!"

As (Y/N) smiled at him, Pete only looked at her in slight daze and confusion.

"I wanted you to taste a bit of your own medicine. You tasted it much more than I thought you would've though."

"Are you saying that you planned this to happen?"

"I sort of did. It was more of a test or experiment to see if you actually liked me or really did hate me. It seems that you do, and a lot!"

(Y/N) began to giggle, causing Pete to grumble in embarrassment, shoving his hands into his pockets beginning to back away from their close proximity.


Before he could fully walk away, softer and smaller hands had held onto his arm, causing him to feel a fluttering feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"What the hell are yo-"

"I thought now that we've made up, why not take a breather in the Village Inn?"

When Pete hesitated, (Y/N) looked at him in a pleading way causing him to for some reason cave in.

'I really do wonder how she has such a big effect on me.'

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