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From: Annoying Conformist

Time: 5:45 Am

Morning, Pete!

Hope you slept well ! <3

I hope to see you at school at one point, so don't ditch the entire day, please!

Groaning at the continuous sound of his ringtone of death going off every five seconds caused him to want to break
his phone.

What's worse is that he knew who it was.

'Seriously? 5:45am? She must be an early bird. How fitting. Can't she leave me alone for just one day?'

He knew he didn't truly feel that way, but in that moment that's how he felt at such an ungodly hour.


Deciding he'll reply eventually, he fell back to sleep with ease.

Waking up to his ringtone for calls, he began to feel anger and resentment for someone waking him up, once again disturbing his sleep.

Growling in annoyance ready to verbally attack the bothersome girl, he quickly answered without checking who it was.

"What the fuck do you want (Y/N). Why do you feel the need to spam me when I'm trying to sleep."

"Woah who woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning asshole. 1. We're all at school and are wondering where the hell your dumbass is and 2. The fuck do you mean (Y/N)? The conformist bitch from school?"

"Ignore that. Anyway, I slept in and I'm on my way. Don't get your panties in a twist, Michael."

"Right, well hurry up. We plan on going to the cemetery again later and we can't go without everyone there."

"Yeah, Yeah I get it, I get it. I'm hanging up on your rambling ass. Bye."

And with that, the call ended.

'What's the point of even going in the first place. I've ditched so many times and the school doesn't give a damn, so it's not like it'll make a difference anyway. Plus, no one actually cares if I'm there,'pool

Closing his eyes momentarily, he tried to slip back into sleep.

All of a sudden a face flashed in his mind.

A nagging feeling in the back of his mind and a voice reaching out to him in the dark.

It was (Y/N).

In his delirious state, he could just hear her voice speaking to him what he read in text she sent earlier this morning.

'I hope to see you at school at one point, so don't ditch the entire day, please!'

Thinking for a moment, his body reacted and rose to sit up in a posture ready to stand up and get ready.

'Why do I care?'

As he was getting ready, more and more images of (Y/N)'s face began to flash in front of him as he got ready in auto-pilot mode.

'Why her of all people?'

One after another, moments between the two flashes each time he blinked.

Every capturing moment of her smiling face at the Village Inn.

Every gaze shared between the two.

The sound of her voice as she giggles and laughs at hid straight forward insults and not so passive aggressive attitude.

PeteWhere stories live. Discover now