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"Death and despair!"

"Death and despair!"

"Death and despai-"

The vibrations of his phone scared him more than the fact his ringtone is loud. He swiped decline call.

"Who was that? Why are you being all fucking panicky?" Michael asked.

Pete's heartbeat was fast and loud. Loud enough for Michael to hear. He got up and stumbled around all the trash near the stairs.

"(Y/N). She's been texting me and calling me, her 'friends' kept pointing at me and whispering and giggling. I think she likes me." Pete sighed. He couldn't tell Michael that he's genuinely 'friends' with her. He was also half hoping the last part was true to some degree. Michael never lets any of the kids in the group have any other friends unless it's necessary. By necessary, it usually means to backstab them.

"Why does she have your phone number anyways? How did she even like you? You literally have never talked to her and plus she dated Kenny. I doubt any conformist would ever date someone like you."



'He's right. I've never been in a relationship. Let alone have anyone like me or have a slight crush on me.' He stayed silent for a little while before answering his question.

"Stan. He gave her my number."

He says outright. As if that doesn't make things anymore suspicious. Then again that lie was smart considering Stan's technically an ally to them.

Michael looks at him with an eyebrow raised but just shrugs and took out his notebook to write whatever shitty depressing poem he wants. A routine Pete got sick of after a while. He wanted to write something different than how conformists are ruining the world and how shitty everything is. He's been feeling that way, the opposite ever since he met (Y/N) and that little encounter changed everything.


"Fucking hell! Why won't he pick up?"

She hears a familiar ringtone from far away, her eyes widened. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to see where that ringtone was coming from but it stopped before she could even try to investigate where. But she didn't need to. She already knew Pete was near somewhere and him declining her calls and running off was enough to say that he doesn't wanna talk to her. Not right now anyways.

She walked to a nearby pond and sat on the bench. She sat in silence, not bothering to even talk to herself or have any thoughts about any random shit. Breathing is becoming more and more manual. Instead of doing it subconsciously, she has to think about breathing to even breathe.

'Nobody wants to stick around long enough. Not even Kenny. I know Janet talks behind my back, she does it with everyone and about everyone. Why would it be different with me?'

"Oh my fucking- Jesus fuck me." She sighed, burying her face in her hands. A slight itch in both ears wanting to cry. Her eyes began to redden.

"Pete hates me. He always have. He never wanted to stick around, why can't I ever think about what he wants?"

She got up and went home. It's not worth trying for something that's not meant to happen.

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