Chapter 10

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       She was on her knees . He looked at her and smirked . She looked back innocently grinning as well.

    She then began to suck and immediately felt the liquid substance enter her mouth .

     She moaned as she swallowed all of it . It was the best thing she  had ever had especially in summer .

   He looked at her and couldn't help but smile . And he laughed at the way she moaned . She then began to lick it till she was sure none of the white substance  fell down .

      Unfortunately a drop fell down on the carpet and Sarah groaned .
  Andrew looked at Sarah amused and he said : "Sarah I did warn you not to lick it here . We could have sat on the bed . And you could have cleaned the sheets later ."

  Sarah sighed and threw a pillow at her boyfriend Andrew .

    Andrew said : "Come on . Eat the VANILLA ICE CREAM 🍦   on the bed . And why are you on your knees anyway ? You are just licking and sucking an ice cream . You can do it on the bed also."

   Sarah just rolled her eyes and said : "Well Andrew I am on my knees because I am enjoying the cool air draft form the window . And what's wrong with licking and sucking the ice cream .

It's summer and ice cream is the best thing in summer . And the white substance aka the melted ice cream can be removed any time from the carpet".

  Andrew nodded and he then asked : "Malady may I kiss you ?"

  Sarah then pretended to think about it and she said : "Nope!" Popping the p.

  Andrew then gave her puppy dog eyes and Sarah couldn't help it .

   Sarah said " alright ".  And Andrew cheered and they began to make out .

   It had been almost a year since that night . The night Will and Elizabeth died . And almost a year now that Sarah and Andrew were dating .

     Sarah would every now and then get a lot of people that sympathized with her and a lot of people who would send her death threats .

  Luckily now a year had passed and the threats had been stopped . The bullies had probably gotten bored from lack of reaction .

  And they knew they couldn't physically say something to her since Andrew was with her 24/7.

     Sarah sighed . She had gotten over Wills and Elizabeth's deaths . And she had accepted reality .

She had even grown stronger since then and even had taken self defense classes . 

Her circle of trust now only revolved around Andrew and her parents and James . Other than that she trusted absolutely no one .

    Andrew had on the other hand also taken self defense classes and fighting classes as well. And compared to his weak frame a year ago , now he was stronger as well though he didn't look like it.

   Andrew wanted to tell Sarah about his past and more specifically about that night in London . Even more specifically about his twin brother Daniel .

   But every time he brought it up , Sarah would bring it down or change the topic .

  Andrew knew that Will and Elizabeth had traumatized her . And she was scarred for life . And her level of trust was significantly decreased but that was something he couldn't help her with .

    But Andrew knew Sarah well enough to know that she was stronger and braver than most women her age and even older .

  Sarah had officially technically moved in with Andrew . Her parents didn't agree at first but Mr and Mrs Johnson soon came to like Andrew and they trusted him and their daughter.

     "So Sarah . Have you found any good universities to apply for ? I have found a couple of them . And hopefully we will get in the same university together ." Andrew said .

   Sarah just licked the 7 inched Ice Cream 🍦 and then she licked the top of the cone and then sucked in response to Andrew's question .


    Daniel was confused and perplexed when they entered a room where the other therapists had gathered as well.

   The problem was that the room didn't exist on the map . Which was a red flag itself . 

  Daniel noticed the Doctors and therapists eyeing him but he ignored there stares .

  All of a sudden Gabe entered and everyone stared at him.

   Gabe opened the curtains and revealed a prisoner tied up to a bed and a lot of equipment was near him.

   Gabe looked around and then he spotted Daniel and smiled and Daniel awkwardly smiled back in confusion.

  Gabe said : "Dear staff ... this b***h on the bed here has caused a small fight. And some of you who are knew here such as Dr.Daniel and Dr .Linda don't know how we deal with motherf*****ers like these .

Well your about to find out . Excuse me Dr Daniel can you put your balls in the prisoners mouth ?"

   "What .....?!" Daniel asked mortified .

Gabe then chuckled and said : "Let me rephrase that . Can you put that cricket ball in your hand in the prisoners mouth ?" This caused a few of the therapists to snicker and chuckle .

  Daniel then realized he was referring to the cricket ball he had gotten for Nick

   Daniel sighed and did as told and he put his ball in the prisoners mouth . Daniel was aware of how inappropriate it might have sounded .

   Then Gabe motioned towards a therapist whose name tag read "Dr. Danvers".

  Dr Danvers sighed and he went towards the machine and switched it on and then a set a volt meter to high and Gabe nodded with a hint of squeal and excitement in his eyes .

  Then all of sudden high volts of electricity passed through the prisoner .

And it took a second for Daniel to realize that they were electrocuting the prisoner .

  The prisoner was unable to scream as his entire body was shaking .

  They kept electrocuting him for 10 minutes straight until Gabe finally ordered to stop the machine .

  Dr . Linda puked . And Gabe rolled his eyes at her . To be honest Daniel felt sick to but he didn't feel to much sick considering the things he's done himself .
  But to say he was shocked would be quite the understatement of the year .

    In fact he knew his jaw was dropped .He could only think of one thing "WHAT THE F*CK !!!!!"

Gabe smirked and said : "I knew you were a strong one Dr Stark . This is the punishment here for the prisoners . Yes .... We are one of the only mental asylums who have legal assets and rights to use Electro Therapy ..........................."



                   END OF CHAPTER 10

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