Chapter 20

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Daniel felt euphoria hit him as he continued his murder spree . He went to all the surrounding neighbors homes and killed all of them as well . Which weren't that much .

Daniel suddenly then had an idea . He wanted to leave something behind as a souvenir , something that will always remind people of Daniel .

Suddenly Daniel remembered his favorite Roses . Daniel loved Purple Roses . They were so beautiful that he always kept a bunch of them in the attic .

He knew that if he put it in his room then mom would have thrown them out . Daniel hurriedly rushed back home and to the attic and grabbed all the roses .

Then he went to all the neighbors he killed and placed one purple rose on each of their bodies .

He then went back to his own house and then he looked at his family members he had killed . Daniel didn't realize how wrong , twisted and sadistic this was .

He thought , 'Wait till Andrew sees this , I am sure he will be proud , cause he loved me and I love him.'

Daniel then had another though . He went to the basement and grabbed a butcher knife and then went to his parents and brothers bodies . And he began to cut of their heads .

After he was done he nodded in satisfaction and then he placed purple roses on them and other family relatives as well.

Daniel smiled like he had just done some hard work and was about to be rewarded for it and good behavior as well.

All of a sudden , Daniel heard a loud scream that scared even Andrew .

Daniel looked back and sighed in relief . It was Andrew . 'But why was he screaming ?' Daniel thought confused.

Daniel then immediately said : "Surprise !!!" And gestured towards the dead bodies .

Andrew screamed again and then stared at Daniel and the butcher knife in his hands and then at his dead family .

Andrew had come down to drink water since Daniel was taking too long with his surprise .

But when he came down he saw Daniel drenched in blood along with the all of the dead bodies that belonged to their family members .

Andrew was slapped right in the face metaphorically when Daniel said 'Surprise' , Andrew thought 'Is he crazy !? He killed everyone!'

Andrew tried his best to make a stern face . He was on the brink of tears . He just lost his mother , father and brother .

And his twin brother was the one responsible, Andrew knew that he shouldn't rile up Daniel .
He had seen enough serial killer and horror movies to know that .

    Andrew pretended to be surprised and said in a fake happy voice : "Wow Daniel this is GREAT!! Is this all for me ?"

   Daniel gave a heart warming smile and Andrew was internally terrified . He wanted to go and hug his mom ........ No he couldn't , he has to avenge his family .....

    Daniel nodded and said proudly : "Yea Andy , I did this for you and kinda for me as well."

   Daniel had called him 'Andy' , the name that Daniel only used when he was so happy and shared it with Andrew .

    Andrew nodded . Somehow Daniel was buying his act .

   Andrew smiled and said : "Dany , can you give me that knife though ... I wanna try something ."

    Daniel didn't even hesitate or think . He said "Sure !" And he handed the knife to Andrew. Daniel trusted Andrew more than himself or anyone in the world .

    Andrew thanked him . Andrew didn't know what to do . He could only see his mom , dad and big brother dead on the floor . But he loved Daniel too , but not as much as his mom .

   Daniel killed their mom , No rather his mom , not Daniel's , he didn't deserve to be her son, she was Soo sweet and kind to Him , and he killed her !?

  Daniel spoke up : "Oh and I forgot to tell you that there are other people dead as well! The neighbors outside ! I killed them too Andy!!"

   Andrew just fake smiled again . 'Yep , he has definitely lost his mind , he's insane !'.

    Daniel then looked towards the dead bodies in the hall and said : "Oh and look , I put my favorite roses or flowers on them as well. The purple roses , they are my favorite but you already know that right And....."

    Daniel was harshly and rudely cut off when he felt an incredible pain in his lower abdomen (stomach area).

    Daniel looked back and to his shock . It was Andrew . He had stabbed him with the butcher knife .

   Daniel coughed up some blood as tears welled up in Daniel's eyes . The only person he could trust , love , depend upon and rely had just stabbed him in the back . Literally .

    Daniel said : "Why?" Weakly . Andrew replied in a vicious and venomous voice that he had never heard before .

   He said ;  "F**k you ! You piece of s*it !! You killed my family and you expect me to be happy about it . Your a menace , your inhuman and you don't deserve to live !"

   Daniel started tearing up and said : "Please Andy I don't understand . I ...."

   Andrew cut Daniel off by forcefully pulling out the knife and stabbing him again .

  Daniel felt so much pain far greater than he had ever experienced . And what enhanced the pain a thousand fold was the fact that his twin brother had caused it .

   He had betrayed him , his trust and their supposedly unbreakable bond.

   Daniel coughed up some more blood and he fell down unconscious .

   Andrew stared at his hands now covered with Daniel's blood . He then screamed in agony . He couldn't believe he just killed his own twin brother .

  Daniel meant so much to him . He would have died if Daniel had asked .

   But this was entirely a different case . Daniel had gone nuts .

  Andrew tried to console himself thinking it was the only way .
    He went to the stairs and sat down and sat there in shock at what happened . He was all alone now . And he knew that he always will be .

   After 10 minutes he began to hear sirens . Police sirens .
Andrew looked up as a couple of officers entered his house .

   The officers gasped and looked at the scene in horror . They were petrified . And horrified and terrorized.

   Some even nearly puked . Then they saw Andrew with the knife .
Andrew immediately put the weapon down , he was about to tell then what happened when he noticed something .

   Daniel's body wasn't there anymore . In fact it was now where in sight .

   It was unbeknownst to Andrew that the women had returned to check up on Daniel for one last time and she had saved Daniel's life and called the cops anonymously to trap Andrew .

   The women couldn't care less what happened to the either of them . But she know that both of them were more important that they could imagine ."



               END OF CHAPTER 20


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