Chapter 16

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         "Jennifer didn't commit suicide . Someone killed her and i have proof of what i saw" Sydney abruptly said after suddenly barging into Daniel's office.

         To say Daniel's jaw dropped wouldn't be an understatement . He was full on gawking like a fish.

        Daniel composed himself and he then asked calmly . He asked ; "Wait... wait.. wait.. Sydney what the hell are you talking about ? That's not possible . I read her Suicide note and i saw her hanging limp from the ceiling.

      Sydney shook her head and said : "NO! come on you don't believe that absolute bulls*it". Daniel was taken a back by her language . 'Damn' he thought.

     Sydney said : "I saw a person the night Jennifer was killed . I saw him dragging her body . The person didn't notice me . But i am 100% sure that the body was Jennifer".

      Daniel tried to process this information. He knew that Sydney wasn't a liar or the type that would lie, he was certain of it through the therapy sessions.

        Daniel groaned and then he remembered what Sydney had said. He asked : "Wait what's the proof you were talking about ?'' 

        Sydney replied : "Oh it's proof that the person i saw being dragged was Jennifer."  Then she fished her pocket and took out a Pass Card that all stuff had . And indeed Jennifer's name was written on it.

        'Wait .... could it be that she found something in the camera room after all?', Daniel began to think, 'What if she saw something that she wasn't supposed too. And what if all those doctors weren't quitting their jobs after all.'

      Daniel didn't like where his line of thoughts were heading to. 'Something sinister was at play here . And i have to find out what it is .....'   Daniel thought.

   As if reading his thoughts , Sydney said : "Daniel i don't think the prisoners disappeared nor do i think those therapists quit their jobs."

   Sydney concluded her statement saying : "I think there is a Serial Killer walking free in this Asylum".

         She stated the exact same thing he was worried about. Daniel had no doubt in his mind that this all wasn't a coincidence, Sydney was stating facts .

      And if that's really true , then this is more than just a spy mission now. He needed to inform this to Brian fast .

    Daniel looked Sydney and said ; "I was worried you were gonna say that. Sydney you can't tell this to any one . if this is true then we can't trust anyone . Normally the police would handle this but i am sure they don't give 2 shits about prisoners and doctors dying in a mental asylum".

    Sydney nodded . Completely understanding the situation.

   Daniel then said : "I have to go now. We can't stay together like this for long . It might raise suspicions . i will see you later bye."

    Sydney replied a 'goodbye' as well and they parted ways . Daniel headed straight for Brian's office. Daniel without asking for permission nor knocking on the door barged straight into his office .

    The sudden intrusion caused Brian to yelp as he was reading a weird romance novel . Daniel disreguarded the novel as he had no interests in Brian's sexual life.

     Daniel went straight to the point and told Brian ....EVERYTHING.   But he didn't mention Sydney's name .

   "Well i will be honest Daniel . That's a lot to take in." Brian said with hints of shock all over his face.

   Daniel tapped his feet expectantly and said :"So ? what are we doing about it ?"

  Brian took of his glasses and said : "I will be honest here as well. This way above my pay grade" and Daniel though 'well that makes the 2 of us', Brian continued : ''But i have my suspicions on how it could be."

      This caused Daniel to pause and he looked at Brian in shock . Brian continued and said : "I think it's Gabe. Haven't you seen that he doesn't give 2 shits about the people going missing ?"

    Daniel nodded , he had a solid point, and Brian was about to say something when all of a sudden Gabe entered the room and he didn't seem surprised to see Daniel there. In fact he seemed to have almost expected to see him there.

           Gabe said : "Sorry Dr. Brian to interrupt but i have a job for Dr. Daniel here. So hope you don't mind but i am borrowing him."

   Gabe didn't wait for an answer and he practically dragged Daniel away to his office .

Gabe looked at Daniel and sighed . He said : "Dr Daniel . You since the ... Umm.. what should I call it .... Jennifer Incident we only had one receptionist left . Ms Stacy . She immediately quit her job the moment she heard of the suicide ."

Daniel nodded not getting where this conversation was going .

Gabe continued and said : "So Dr. Daniel we have no receptionist left and no qualified people are left . So I posted an add in town and two people quickly replied to it . They are young and unqualified but for the sake of the asylum we need to give them a chance . I need you to interview them and see if they are good enough for the job"

Daniel nodded but he noticed that Gabe seemed nervous ever since the moment he entered Brian's office .

Daniel asked : "Why me ?"

Gabe replied : "Well you see .... I don't want to make you uncomfortable but I am aware of your and Jennifer's secret love . I totally supported it . And I know you must be heartbroken . I am sorry for your loss. BUT anyways I thought that you might want to choose the right people to replace her seat . In honor of her memory ."

Daniel was shocked that Gabe knew but at the same time he wanted to snort with laughter . They obviously weren't in love .

And Daniel wasn't going to miss the opportunity to enjoy his day off.

Gabe then said : "Okay they are in the staff room . Don't worry no one will disturb you . Dismissed"

Gabe said and dismissed Daniel out of his office .

Daniel sighed and went towards the staff room . The old one where no one goes anymore .

He opened the door and saw the duo . They were two teenagers about his age .

   The duo turned around and he saw a hot girl and then a boy . Daniel halted right then and there .

   He and the boy both froze in place . The girl looked between them in confusion .

    Then Daniel broke the silence and said : "O. M. Fu*king. G"

     Daniel was shell shocked and he knew that this was way more than he bargained for in 1 day  . All he needed was a damn break . And now the universe had brought him back face to face with his twin brother ......

              END OF CHAPTER 16


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