Chapter Thirteen

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I could hear them before I saw them. Their heartbeats slow and even. I walked into the house and saw them both on the ground unconscious. I picked up Damon, he was still heavy, but not as much as before. I laid him down on the couch, then went over to Nate. As soon as I touched him, he jolted awake.

"Wha- Whats going on, what happened?!" He asked panically and moved away from me.

"Nate, it's okay." I shushed him.

"Louie...'re different." He stated and stared at me.

"I'll explain when Damon wakes up..." I said.

"No need." A voice spoke up from behind.

I turned and saw Damon sitting up and glaring at me.

"She let him turn her." He scowled.

"Is it true, Louie..." Nate asked

I slowly nodded and sat back against the wall.

"Why...didn't you tell us?" Nate asked looking hurt.

His expression hurt me and guilt flooded my heart.

"I...I knew that if I did, you would object." I said.

"You're damn straight I would object." Damon scoffed.

"I'm had to be done...there was no way around it."

"Liar." Damon snapped.

Why was he being like this...

"There is another way... It involved us killing that leech."

I gasped and his words stung me.

"I can share you with him," He said pointing at Nate. "But not with that bloodsucker."

I stared at him in shock.

"Do you hear me Louie? I don't want you near him. If I ever see him, I'll rip him to shreds, even if you hurt when I do it."

My heart shattered. The fact that he didn't care if I got hurt shocked me. I felt numb, and yet there was so much pain.

"Damon..." Nate said

"Shut it mutt!" Damon yelled making me wince. "If fact, any leech I see, I will kill."

Anger surged in me, causing me to jump up. Somehow what he said make me mad enough to make Naula, Jamie, and I control all at once.

"Fine then Damon! Kill me then! I'm part vampire now! What are you going to do about it?!" I said shoving him back.

He flew into the air with the force I pushed him with and shifted just before he landed. Nate backed up against the wall wide-eyed and speechless. Damon crouched defensively and growled at me...but it didn't faze me one bit. He lunged and I just force kicked him away. He landed on one of the chairs, breaking it. He was a bit surprised but was on his feet soon enough. Anger coursed through me like blood. Jamie took full control and let the anger fuel her actions.

"I'm sick and tired of this Damon! We are always fighting! It hurts and I just can't take it anymore!" I yelled.

Damon lunged at me again, this time I punched him right in the throat and heard a sickening crunch. He flew and hit the wall. He landed with a thud and didn't move. All the energy and anger I just had, left me and I collapsed to the ground.

"Louie!" Nate yelled and rushed to me.

I heard bones cracking of someone shifting. Nate blocked my view of Damon and held me in his lap.

"Oh God." He let out.

"Ch-check Damon..."I said quietly.

Some part of me already knew what Nate would say when he would check him, but i asked anyway. I felt numb and everything started to become blurry.

"Shh, Lou. Just relax." He said and laid me on the couch.

Everything zoned in and out as I watched Nate walk over to Damon. He shook his head and laid a blanket over him. All of a sudden pain surged into my stomach and Naula howled out in pain. I stayed completely still and let the darkness take me. One thought flashed in my head....I killed Damon.


Author's note.

please oh please don't kill me. His death has a purpose that I have yet to unveil. Just writing it had me to tears, and trust me, I almost didn't do it. it is all a part of my master plan so please don't stop reading! I know this a short chapter, but I had to give you guys something. Thanks for all the votes and I really appriciate those who will keep reading. Please comment and tell me what you are thinking and what you guess is going to happen!


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