Chapter 21

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This is the day. This is the day that everything changes. Jared and I awoke early this morning to prepare. We trained and exercised for a few hours then dressed for battle. It didn't really matter what I wore since I was sure that I would have to shift into my wolf. I tried talking to Naula, but she was still blocked. I wore a plain black t-shirt, old jeans, running shoes and a gray jacket on top. When Jared wasn't looking I slipped the steak inside the jacket and met him downstairs.

" I to shift and stand with them?" I asked.

" they think you are on their side." He said as we left the house.

"I can't shift unless I talk to Naula...but for some reason, I can't get to her."

He stiffened and looked away. "Well, then I'll help you with that." He said and looked me in the eyes.

He murmured some ancient language that I didn't recognize and I felt the block lift. Naula immediately tried to get me to shift.

Stop! He'll know something is up! Naula just calm down...I have a plan.

Does it involve ripping him to shreds? She growled. more involves shoving a stake through his heart.

I look forward to it.

"Can you talk to her?" He asked.

"Yes." I said smiling. "She's all in."

"Good." He smiled and helped me into the car.

The drive was silent until we reached Nates territory.

"You know the plan." He said.

"Yes...pretend to be on their side but once the battle begins, you bring Blake out and he will go after me and I will kill Nate in self-defense...then we will destroy the rest."

"Yes. Now time to depart. I'll see you at the battlefield." He said kissing me lightly on the lips.

I kissed him back and smiled. Then I slipped out of the car and watched him drive away. I walked all the way to Nate's house without shifting so that I wouldn't loose the stake. Nate was there waiting.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'm not sure if I can do it though. What if he says is true and killing him will kill you?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"Don't worry Nate, I'll be fine." I said. "Now...let's prepare for battle."

After an hour, we all headed to the clearing on Hollow Mountain. We stood on the west side and the vampires entered from the east. My father stood in the front along with Nate and I. The king of the Vampires stood in the front along with his right hand man. Jared was hiding a few rows behind him. Dark clouds had already rolled into the sky above us, but if wasn't getting worse...not yet anyways.

"I told you there was no need for this." The vampire king said meeting us in the middle with Jared and the other on his sides.

He was tall, with dark gray hair that went to his shoulders. He was wearing older robes as they normally did in formalities. His dark orange eyes held age and wisdom yet anger and malice. Jared glanced at me and then at Nate.

"Your kind killed some of mine. You have brought this upon yourself." My father said.

My father didn't know the real reason for this battle.

"May I add something?" Jared asked stepping forward.

The king looked astonished and I figured Jared was speaking out of turn.

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