chapter 17

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I woke up again, this time from just needing to eat and not from a disturbing dream. I needed to research more on the first princess. I looked at Nate who was still fast asleep. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Then I slid out of bed, put on a blue tank top and tan short shorts and crept downstairs. I went to the kitchen and found Jared sitting at the table reading a book. He looked up when I came in and smiled. He got up and came towards me.

"Good morning beautiful. I take it you liked my present?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

I smiled and nodded. He kissed me on the lips and I kissed back. Inside my mind I could still see the look he gave me when he killed Cordelia. We pulled apart and I went into the kitchen. I started making eggs and bacon. I kept my eye on him as he sat at the counter and watching me cook. I heard a door and then Nate came downstairs.

"Good morning." I said smiling.

"Good morning gorgeous." He said and kissed my cheeks.

I caught Jared scowling only for a second and then it was gone. Nate sat a seat away from Jared and smiled at me.

"Thanks Jared for letting me have the night with her, I really appreciate it."

"No problem, she needs both of us." He said softly looking at me thoughtfully.

"Nate, here is your plate." I said handing him his plate before he could say anything to Jared.

"Thanks, Darlin." Nate said and started to eat.

I ate quickly and started to clean my dish, but Nate came over and shook his head.

"You made breakfast, I clean the plates." He said kissing my forehead.

"Fine." I smiled

I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs to my room. Just when I turned into my room, I saw Jared following me. I grabbed a towel and some clothes and started to go into the bathroom when Jared came in.

"May I join you?" He asked smiling softly.

I nodded and went into the bathroom as he followed. I set the clothes on the counter and hung up the towel and turned on the shower. I was about to take off my shirt but he stopped me. He kissed my shoulder and up my neck. All thoughts of the dream vanished and my mind went fuzzy. He turned me around and kissed me hard on the mouth. He pushed me up against the wall and slid his hands down my sides. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed down my neck and to my chest. We backed up and he shut the bathroom door and locked it. I took off his t-shirt and he took off my tank top. He kissed my chest and made my heart beat wildly. He opened the shower door and set me down. We took the rest of the clothes off and slid into the shower. I let him do whatever he wanted with me.

After the long shower, Jared and Nate left to deal with things, leaving me to myself. Right after they left I hopped on the computer and started looking up legends and any information I could. It all said the same things that I saw in my dream. This was crazy. What was I supposed to do? I went outside and went started walking through the trees. I had been walking for almost an hour when I saw sand and stopped. I must've been walking fast, because when I looked up, I was at the lake. I looked around and saw someone standing on the dock. I started walking over when she turned. It was Cordelia. She jumped into the water and started swimming. I ran the rest of the way and immediately dived into the water at the end of the dock. I finally made it to the island and saw her duck into the caverns. I ran after her and found her at the little pool. She was waiting for me.

"Louie, you are the last hope for all of us. He succeeds in making you his completely, then he will change into his true form." She said

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked

"You need to find a witch to help you. The one you need is Annaliese. She lives up in the mountains. Naula will know how to find her, just follow your instincts."

I started to leave.

"And Louie," I turned back to her. "Don't let him know or he'll do anything to get what he wants. He has you under his thumb. The fact that you are mated means he has control over you, but not complete control. And if he mentioned taking you to his favorite spot, don't go."

I nodded. "What is his favorite spot?"

"It's where he killed me. All of his power is buried in the ground there. If he gets you there, he can completely brainwash you into only believing him."

"Got it."

"Now go, hurry to the witch, there isn't much time before the red moon." She said.

She vanished and I didn't linger. I ran out of the caverns and ran right into Jared. We both fell into the sand with a thud.

"What are you doing here Louie?" He asks helping me up.

"Um, just went for a run." I said.


He didn't believe me. I could see it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I'm meeting someone here."

"In the middle of a lake?" I asked getting a little suspicious.

"Vampire speed sweetheart, we don't even get wet." He said.

"Oh. I forgot. Ha, okay, well I'll just go then." I said and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and grabbed me. He kissed my lips and everything went fuzzy again.I melted into his arms and kissed him back. We pulled apart and he smiled.

"See you later." he said and kissed my forehead.

He walked into the caverns and I shook my head, regaining my thoughts. I jumped into the lake and swam to shore. I looked at the mountain and then headed up the path, letting Nula lead the way.


After heading into the cavern and hearing her jump into the lake, I ran through the caverns to the pool. I moved a few rocks and slipped through a hidden crack. There a man in a black coat waited.

"Took you long enough Jared." He growled.

"Well it's good to see you out of the flames."

"Yes, well my curse is over and I'm here to help you." He said

"Well, how can you help?" I asked

"She knows." He paused. "About you I mean. She was in here talking to our beloved Cordelia."

"How is that even possible?!" I asked

"I'm guessing Cordelia visited her last night when the veil was open and told her all about your dirty little secret. She heading to Anneliese right now."

"Dammit!" I yelled and slammed my fist into the wall, causing a piece to break off. "What do I do?"

"You need to take her before it's too late. Get inside her head and make Naula take her to Cordelia's grave." He said. "You have no time to loose. Go now and I'll meet you there to help restrain her."

"You get into her head, I won't be able to, her mind is protected."

"Very well."

We both left without another word and followed her scent. Richard ran ahead and she changed coarse. I smiled as I watched her step into the clearing. She shook her head and tripped over a log and fell. I ran in and stood next to her as she stood up. Now it's my turn to play games...

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