The day |Forever?|

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~Seven years old~

"Phil. You know I'm not athletic! Slow down." The little Dan called out while he was taking a breather. "C'mon Dan! We have to go to school so we won't be late like the other days! We got to go!" Phil said while running back to Dan. He did have a point. Little Dan and Phil ran to the school right before the bell rang. "See Dan, you have to trust me more" Phil could barely speak it, but it was worth it. "Sh-shut u-up" Dan said. Wow. He could barely even speak the words he used daily.

~Ten years old~

"I'm gonna beat you Philly! Just you watch!" Dan said while trying to concentrate on his Kart while also trying to see what the other Karts were doing, where they were going, and the things that were surrounded his Kart/what things would and could hit him.

"You know I'm way better Danny!"

"Whatever I can and will do better this time!"

~12 years old~

Dan and Phil were having a sleep over with each other at Dans house. They built a fort in his room big enough to fit two air-mattresses, which they put together to make what they called 'super duper amaze-balls bed'

"Dan.... I have to tell you something, it's really important too... So please don't tell anyone! I'm gonna tell my parents sooner or later but, for now... Please don't tell anyone!" Phil said. It must have been really important cause Phil always called Dan, Danny even though Dan stopped calling him Philly. Dan knew it was going to be serious but he decided to make it a little funny cause he could see Phil tensing up and shaking.

"I think I know what it is Phil... But I'm absolutely O.K with you being this!" Dan said.

"Oh... You already know? Was it that obvious?"

"Yes... You're PREGNANT!!" Dan yelled out. They were both laughing together.

"Oh no. It's something else but that's a good guess!" Phil said to Dan. "Look Dan, I'm actually bisexual...... I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore..." Phil said. Dan looked really sad and guilty for Phil. Of course Dan accepted Phil. They were best friends and sexuality wouldn't separate them.

"Oh Phil.... How could I not accept you? You're my best friend.... We're almost like brothers! If we didn't accept each other than you would have left my ass ages ago cause I'm so weird! And also.. Sorry for not telling you sooner but I'm also bisexual!" Dan said. Phil looked up at Dan with a bright and teethy smile. "Thanks for understanding me Dan," Phil said. "You truly do mean a lot to me"

~13 years old~

"Hey Phil! Guess who's birthday it is in two days!.... Too late, you guessed too late but it's yours!" Dan said happily. Phil almost forgotten and was happy that his friends reminded him. It made Phil wonder if Dan loved him back.

"Oh right... I kinda forgot. Hehe" Phil said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Also... Did you tell your parents about you being bi?" Phil asked. He wanted to know. For future plans.

"No.... I'll tell them tomorrow once I get back from school though!"

"Oh okay!"

-The next day (Phil's POV)-

"So Dan... Did you tell them?" I said. I needed to know so I could ask him out. Hopefully it wouldn't be too awkward if he did. But I just-I just wanted to kiss Dan so badly. But I couldn't. That was the problem. I had to fight every urge in my body to not kiss him. It was so hard.

"No... I'm gonna tell them today! Just please remind me"

"Okay I will!"

~Phil's birthday (Phil's POV)~

Dan and I hadn't talked for the whole day. I wonder if he told his parents yet. But then again I saw him talking to a lot of the popular people today. I wonder if that was his surprise? Getting the whole school to sing to me. That would be nice.


It was the end of the day. We still didn't talk. Then I saw Dan and the most popular guys in school come up to me and then-

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Phil the queer! Happy birthday to you!!" They all sang to me. Wait... Did I hear that correctly? Phil the queer? What!? I opened my mouth but then they all through cake at me. Each and every single one had a separate cake and threw it at me. What was happening!? What hurt the most was that Dan had one that said "Hope we can stop being friends" and the rest just had things like "loser" "fag" "queer".

"Dan.... What just happened?" I said. The only things he said back was "Goodbye" and left. Joey even pushed me down while Tyler spit on me, Troye kicked me and Lilly gave me a evil glare. The only two people who didn't do anything was Cat and Anthony. Cat helped me up and Anthony gave me a weak smile and mouthed 'are you okay' and I just nodded. That made up for what just happened somehow. I was still trying to put together about what just happened though.

~Dan's POV~

What did I just do!? He was my best friend! Was at least. I needed to stop talking to him. For me. I didn't care about his feelings at the time... The only thing that I thought about was how in the world could he ever forgive me after high school? It was our plan to live to live together once we both moved out. Now how are we supposed to make that possible!? Maybe my life would be better without Phil. I just kinda felt guilty, as it is his birthday. But why should I care? I was finally popular. I didn't need Phil anymore.... Did I?

Wait what am I saying? I obviously do not need him. Lies.


Well then..... I don't know where this is going tbh. I don't want it to be like the ones that inspired me to do this. Anyways.


-°.*\( ˆoˆ )/*.° Lily

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