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Dan could just literally date 1,000 girls. He didn't want to do it-and he would be known as some kind of "heartbreaker" around the school. But it was for his own good. First, Dan would go after Cat, then maybe Kalel, then Ian-and then the rest of the school. Yeah. This is gonna work.

~Phil's POV~

I was crafting like crazy. I didn't wanna cry, so instead, I always crafted-it always got my mind off things, y'know.

Why though? I still wasn't over Dan leaving me. It's not that I loved him anymore, it was because, well because he was my only crime and now I have none. I'm still gonna get him off my mind one day.... Not today, though.

-The next day(school)-

I joined clubs that I was interested in (video game making, editing videos, photography, and drawing). Just so happens that Dan was in all the same classes. He even tried talking to me-which is weird. The more he tried to talk to me, the more I hated him. Good. He needs to talk to me more so I can hate him more. I didn't have to do anything but ignore him. In time, I'll be hating him 100%, more than I hate him no-

"Hey Phil!" Somebody said. It was a familiar voice.

"Hi" I said and turned around before I noticed it was... Dan.

I turned back around and walked faster. Now he's just getting annoying

"PHIIIIL" Dan said again. Now I was practically running when-

"What do you want, fag!?" Fuck. I just bumped in to the most popular guy in school, Joey Graceffa. Also one of Dan's new best friends.

"Shit, oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to
Bump into you, shit." I said. I wasn't actually sorry, he deserved it.

"Whatever shithead. I don't have time for you" he said.

I laughed and whispered to myself "Shithead? Really?" But I guess he heard me because he pushed me against the locker and said "say that one more fucking time, Lester. I dare you. Cause next time you back talk me, you're dead, okay Lester?" He said very angrily. I nodded and he let go, leaving me against the lockers, on the ground. And then something-somebody came up to me

"Hey Phil. What are you doing on the ground?" It's was Dan, of course.

"Can you just leave me alone!? Your stupid, asshole "best friend-which we aren't anymore by the way-just fucking picked me against the lockers! He never done any physical things to me, and this is the first one! I can't breath normally right now cause my chest, but I'm probably gonna have to get used to this kind of stuff. So please, Dan. Just leave me alone. Don't call me and prank me by saying you love me, don't chase after me in the halls, don't send goodnight/good-morning texts anymore! Can't you see I'm fed up with you! I may have no friends anymore, but I'd rather have none than you be my friend!" I shouted at him. Everything I said was true. He was just really annoying and is starting to get annoying every single day.

~Dan's POV~

Phil was right. I shouldn't do anything to him. It was my fault that he bumped in to Joey and can barely breath. I was just so in love with Phil still. But he obviously didn't love me, heck, he probably hates me for all I know.

"You-you're right" I said guilty. All I did after that was pick him back up and go to my next class. We had that class together as well. Just great.

***In the classroom***

I got in and I was tired. I couldn't have any bags under my eyes cause they wouldn't let me be with them, so I had to get sleep somewhere. Right?

Anyways, I had to go to sleep after attendance. For my reputation, I guess.


"Dan, you're a bitch! Get away from me! Please. I'm not asking for any trouble!" A familiar voice yelled at me.

"Oh please" I said. "You're just some idiot I used to hang out with. I have the right to do this if I want too!" I yelled back. I didn't mean it. What was I even saying?

"Back the fuck up, Dan! Please! Just g-get away from me you monster!" Phil choked out. Next thing I knew he was sobbing. "Go to hell, Phil" I yelled at him before I kicked his stomach multiple times until my legs got tired and I fell on the ground against the wall and he was coughing out blood. What have I done? What have I gotten myself into?

He ran out of the bathroom that we were in, holding his stomach. Man, was my life a mess without him...

I closed my eyes, I knew I was in a dream, but I was still tired and wanting to go to sleep.


Once I woke up, I looked around and realized that, what I have just done to Phil-him running out-him coughing out blood-me falling to the floor and closing my eyes-this were not a dream. It was then I realized that Phil was gonna hate me even more.

What I just did, was not a dream.


Well then... Next chapter is gonna be really long-and spoiler alert, there's a trigger warning so look out for that!

Have a nice day, I hope you pet some llamas.

~ ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ Lily

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