Chapter 7

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I expected to see an angry Jace, ready to blow up whatever was in his way, but when I entered the Infirmary, I saw something completely different. Jace was asleep, his head resting against Clary's freckled arm and their fingers loosely intertwined. His face seemed so innocent, compared to his usual fierce, ready-to-kill attitude. Clary looked paler, and her cheeks were slightly discolored, but other than that, she seemed fine.

I took a step into the room, and Jace shot up from his chair, muscles tense and eyes alert. He recognized me and instantly relaxed, slumping back down into the chair. As I came closer to Clary's bed, I noticed dark, sleepless circles under Jace's golden eyes, and he seemed really stressed.

"Why do you look so awful?" I asked, and it came out ruder than I had intended.

He shot me a glare, but answered tiredly, "I used an energy rune to carry Clary, but when those wear off, you feel exhausted."

I nodded and sat on the other side of Clary's bed. I twiddled my thumbs in the awkward silence that followed. Thankfully, Jace broke that pretty quickly.

"Look, Harry," he sighed, "I'm sorry about earlier. Outside. With the, uh, threatening and the, um, name-calling. I didn't really mean what I said. I was just concerned about Clary, and I tend to take my emotions out on other people. Sorry."

I listened closely, watching his face. Although I hadn't known Jace for very long, I could tell that he didn't usually apologize for his actions.

"It's okay," I replied. "I'm sorry, too."

Clary shifted in her bed. "I never thought I would live to hear Jace Herondale apologize," she said, struggling to sit up.

Jace shot up to help her, a loving smile on his face.


I could hear voices above me, but I could only make out the last couple words. "I tend to take my emotions out on other people. Sorry."

Jace? My Jace? Apologizing? I cracked my eyes open. Harry was on my left and Jace was on my right.

"It's okay," I heard Harry say. "I'm sorry, too."

I took that moment to surprise them. "I never thought I would live to hear Jace Herondale apologize."

Jace hurriedly stood up to help me sit up, fluffing my pillows. "I thought you might want me to," he said, a cute grin spread across his face.

I smiled back and asked, "What happened after the Drevak demon disappeared?" Jace and Harry exchanged a glance, to which I raised my eyebrows suspiciously. "Guys?"

"Um," Harry started.

"We kind of had a skirmish," Jace mumbled.

Harry said, "Hermione threatened Jace with her wand."

Jace added, "Because I was being a jerk..."

"And there was a lot of shouting," Harry finished.

I nodded. "Okay. Glad I missed that. Can we still go to Taki's? I'm starving." Jace looked hesitant about it, but I knew I could convince him. "Oh, come on. I'm fine. Magnus healed me, right?" Jace nodded, but he was still unsure. I gave Jace my best puppy-dog eyes.

He conceded, "Fine. Harry, go get your friends. We'll get the others."

Harry left to go get Ron and Hermione, so I leaned in for a kiss. Our lips barely touched before I leaned back, smiling sweetly.

"You're such a tease," he groaned. I laughed and leaned in for another kiss, just as short as the last one.

I leaned back and decided on conversation. "So, what's with the sudden change in feelings?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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