Wings and Webs: part 2

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3rd person POV:


Crashing into the Man-Bat, Gotham's friendly neighborhood Spiderman got snatched by the mutated doctor's feet

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Crashing into the Man-Bat, Gotham's friendly neighborhood Spiderman got snatched by the mutated doctor's feet.

The Man-Bat flew up into the air away from the horrific Man-Spider who spun a web onto his colleague.

Getting dragged along with Spidey, the Man-Spider climbed up his web line to reach his prey.

Spiderman: Man-Spider, Man-Bat! What's next!?

Spiderman: Woman-Cat?! Man-Penguin!?

Reaching higher than any building, Spidey was now out of range from any object he could web to.

Spiderman: At least you have an obvious weakness Batsy!

Grabbing his utility belt, Spidey removed his Spider signal. Turning it on, he shined it into Man-Bat's face, making him recoil and release Spiderman from his grasp.


Falling straight into Man-Spider, the two arachnids began brawling it out as they and Man-Bat began plummeting back down to the city.

Spiderman: Stupid extra arms!

Spiderman: Whoa!

The Man-Spider tore off half of the webhead's mask with one swing.

With that attack, he realized how close the three of them were from going splat on the streets below.

Webbing a line, linking Man-Bat and Spider, Spidey pulled himself onto the leather winged beast.

Standing on top of his back, Spiderman pulled back on Man-Bat's arms, extending out his wings.

The two began gliding across the air with Man-Spider getting dragged along.

Spiderman: Giddy-up leather wings! Yee-Haa!

Gliding to a rooftop, Man-Spider stuck to the side of a wall, anchoring Man-Bat to stop, causing Spiderman to fly off the beast, and go flying over the roof and into an alleyway.


Spiderman: Ugh... Nailed it...

 Nailed it

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