Hero complex: part 2

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3rd Person POV:

In his way were Man-Bat and Killer Moth.

The latter wasn't much of a threat in Spidey's opinion, but the former would be an issue, on his to-do list, was to cure the Man-Bat.

Spider-Man:(cracks neck)



Spider-Man: Save the screeching for the roosters. Now come at me.

Spider-Man: Those bones won't break on their own.


Webbing up Killer Moth's mask, Spidey turned to Man-Bat who lunged toward Gwen after ripping the black web off.

Grabbing him by the arm and leg, Spidey spun Man-Bat straight into the ground before kicking him forward where Killer Moth flew over him to attack the wall-crawler.

Leaning back 90° Spider-Man let Killer Moth pass him so he could grab his leg, anchoring him from going any further thanks to his sticky feet.

Slamming Killer Moth into the ground, Spidey backhanded Man-Bat into a wall and pinned him against it.

There he noticed Man-Bat's collar.

Spider-Man: Tch. If you can't train him, you shouldn't keep him as a pet.

Bending his head he allows the cacoon foam fired from Killer Moth's gun to hit Man-Bat in the face.

Pushing him aside, Spidey began dodging blasts from Killer Moth.

Spider-Man: Hey, only I get to shoot sticky stuff at people!

Sparta kicked Killer Moth off the little frame tower that held the suspension wires of the bridge, the wall-crawler was met with a deafening screech from Man-Bat.


Spider-Man: AGH!

The screech was so intense that it caused Symby to freak out whilst overwhelming Peter's senses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity Man-Bat rushes in and slashes at Spidey who takes it head-on.

Large gashes are left on his chest, but Symby quickly fixes itself and heals him.

Man-Bat and Spider-Man begin wrestling as Killer Moth flies back up, towards Gwen.

Killer Moth: Better hand over the drive! We can track you with it so you're never safe.

Gwen:(cuts web off)

Gwen: I know, that's why I led you out here!

Symby fires a web from Spidey's back to pull Gwen towards the webhead.


Spinning around and falling to the ground with Gwen in his arms, Spidey fires a web line and pulls the two of them past Man-Bat from between his legs.

Having slid past, Spidey got up and held Gwen by the hoodie.

Spider-Man: The drive, now!

Gwen: I can at least-

Spider-Man: Wrong answer.

Symby grows tendrils that body searches Gwen before ripping them out of her pocket.

Tossing her aside, Spidey flawns the drive.

Spider-Man: Looky, looky!

The drive is absorbed into the suit.

Spider-Man: Looks like I'm your dance partner now. Let's Tango!

Now their target Man-Bat hammers their fist down on Spidey who rolls up a wall and dropkicks him off the edge.

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