Emerald and Ebony

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3rd Person POV:


Ned: You okay dude...?

A week has passed since Peter defeated Scarecrow and gave him along with Black mask to the police.

Peter: The toxin did a number on me... I feel like a dumpster fire...

Gwen: You look like one too.

Arriving after being late, Gwen sits next to Peter in the juice bar, sipping his juice.

Peter: Hm?


Noticing a fresh cut, on her hand, Peter is shocked.

Peter: Gwen, you're bleeding!

Gwen: Hm? Oh, this. It's nothing.

Peter: How'd you get it?

Gwen: Uhhh... Cat?

Peter: A one-clawed cat?

Gwen: You know how beat-up strays are in Gotham.

Peter: Right... Whatever. Be more careful, okay?

He pulls out some bandages from the Spidey-aid kit he had in his bag.

Gwen: I can handle myself.

She wraps her arms around him and kisses him.

Gwen:(smiles) Thanks though.

Gwen: But enough about me. Why do you look like a dumpster fire?

Gwen: Haven't you been resting all week?

Peter: O-of course...

Gwen: Really? Hmmm... Hey, did you guys hear how Spidey stopped a robbery yesterday?

Peter: Nope...

Gwen: Really? Didn't you take the pictures? P.P?

Peter: Th-that wasn't me... It was my rival...

Gwen: Who?

Peter: Peter... Porker...?

Gwen: And let me guess... He's secretly Spider-ham?

Ned: Dude!

Ned: You should get a pig sidekick!


Gwen: I'll only babysit it if it's one of those tiny teacup piglets.

Peter:... I really need to take a vacation...

(Opening theme)

The black-suited wall-crawler swung across the city. His symbiote suit sticking out like a sore thumb.

It somewhat made him self-conscious.

Spider-Man: It's nothing...


Spider-Man: A-alright... What do you think about me going in the classic suit during the day, and night with you?

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