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Clay's POV

~ A Few Days Later ~

I was on my way to the hospital for the test today. I had been extremely nervous because I was scared something would go wrong, even though I was in the hospital so nothing would be able to go wrong.

My mother went with me since my father was at work today and we were walking inside of the big hospital building in front of us.

'I'm so glad we can do the tests today! After this we can finally figure out what gives you so many stomach aches, constant diarrhea, headaches, itches and so on. I'm really glad we can make you feel better after this,' my mother exclaimed happily.

When I was with Sapnap a few days ago and we tried out new things, I had another bad allergic reaction to something. I knew for sure that there wasn't any dairy in any of the food we bought because I checked multiple times, but I threw up three times and had diarrhea for the rest of the day next to a swollen throat and an itchy skin.

My mother and I sat down in the waiting room together to wait for the doctor to take us to the room we had to be. I heard that they would put a drop of liquids with the substances on my skin. If I was allergic to it, I would get a red swollen spot that would probably itch a lot.

I really wasn't looked forwards to this, but I just hoped it would be something very common so I could easily fix it and stop eating that food...

'Clay?' I suddenly heard a voice. I looked up at a young man in a white outfit.

My mother and I stood up after I smiled shortly and we walked after him to a room. He pointed to a doctor kind of bench for me to lay down on and he smiled.

'It's very easy. We have a lot of liquids to drop onto your skin. Within fifteen minutes you should see a red swollen spot on your skin if you're allergic to it. Nothing can go wrong, we are here to help you if anything escalates.'

'What are you going to test?'

He looked at the bottles on the table and grabbed his papers. 'Some skin allergies and things like dust, pollen and so on. Next to that a lot of foods. We will also do a blood test for some other things and eventually we can give you a diet with very little things you can eat and then you can slowly eliminate food by eating them and looking if you have stomach aches.'

I nodded slowly and let him do his work in silence. I was still really nervous, but I trusted him to do the right thing...


Not even a minute later, my skin immediately started swelling. The doctor immediately looked at the number next to it and started writing something down as another spot was immediately swelling.

'Wheat, nuts...' he started as he wrote it down. 'Oh, gluten is a very bad reaction.'


It was a while later and almost every single spot on my arm was swollen. The doctor sighed softly as he took care of me and he nodded slowly after he was gone for a while to get all the results ready for me.

'You're severely allergic to dairy, gluten, eggs, several fruits like apples, grapes, lemons, strawberry, pineapple... basically, the only fruits you're not allergic to are blueberries and bananas.'

My mother wrote it down slowly as the doctor went to another category to list what I could eat.

'Vegetables... you're really allergic to tomatoes, carrots, celery- I can better say what you're not allergic to. The only vegetables you can eat without any symptoms are cucumber and lettuce. It shows that you have an extreme reaction potatoes, tomatoes and onions.'

I looked at my mother with a sad face. I felt so hopeless now he was listing all my allergies...

'You're severely allergic to every single thing that includes dairy, but I think you knew that already. You're also allergic to all fish types, including shellfish. You're not allergic to chicken and dark dairy free chocolate... you're allergic to all types of nuts, peanuts and types of meat next to chicken.'

'I-,' I started, but he didn't seem to be done yet

'You're allergic to cotton, cats, dogs, pollen and dust...'

'Okay so... is there anything I'm not allergic to? How the hell can I ever eat normally like this? I can only eat dumb bananas and chicken!'

'Yeah... I want you to see another doctor about this because you can never get the nutrients you need like this. Definitely because most of your allergies are so severe that you'll be able to get into a shock from them.'

'What do I do?' I whispered with tears in my eyes. 'I can't live from bananas and chicken. Oh and lettuce!'

'I'm going to plan an appointment as fast as I can so you can talk to him. I have your results here,' he told me, holding up a paper. 'It's not much... every allergy is either mild or high which I never saw before.'

I grasped the paper from his hands and stood up with a mad face. 'I'm going.'

I was so done and mad that I opened the door and walked off, feeling tears roll down my face. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the paper, sending it to Sapnap.

I'm so incredibly sad :( I'm allergic to literally everything. I can eat chicken, bananas, blueberries, dairy free chocolate and stupid cucumbers and lettuce. I'm actually really upset...

He immediately read the message and I waited for him to send the message he was typing as I felt a hand on my shoulder. My mother wrapped her arm around me and softly kissed my cheek.

'You can go tomorrow after school to the other doctor to see what they can do,' she smiled. 'It's going to be alright, I promise you.'

I breathed out and kept staring at my phone with a tear that dropped down on it. It fell down right on top of the message Sapnap just sent and I wiped it away, reading his text.

Wanna come here today? I can go to you and take George with me if you want? I want to comfort you

Please <3

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