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Clay's POV

I was feeding George when he woke up and he started playing with me too, constantly moving his head away or closing his mouth when I was about to put the spoon in his mouth.

I found it pretty cute and went along in his game to make him happy. He was giggling loudly and when he was hungry he quickly took one bite, teasing me after that again.

'You're such a funny boy!' I smiled. 'A really handsome and funny boy.'

He listened carefully and then hit his hands on the table in front of him with a very sweet smile. He was trying to say something so I stayed quiet to let him say what he wanted.

'Lowe you! Ug?' He opened his arms.

'Do you want a hug?' I asked him with a smile. He made a happy sound and I leaned in, giving him a tight hug.

I lifted him out of his wheelchair and let him sit on my lap which caused him to look at me with a soft smile and wide open eyes. 'Lowe you...'

'I love you too,' I answered, ruffling his hair up. 'Do you want more food?'

'Ood!' he tried to repeat.

'Food,' I said again so he could copy me. He smiled softly and made a "fff" sound.

'Good job!' I chuckled as he repeated the word. 'Do you want me to teach you some words?'

He made a happy sound and looked at me.

'If you agree to something, you say "yes",' I explained.

'Es!' he repeated with a very happy smile.

'Do you want me to teach you more words?'

He was quiet and seemed to be thinking about what he should try to say. He hit his arms around and then giggled softly. 'Es!'

I started teaching him more basic words. He had trouble pronouncing them really well, but he had a lot of fun and smiled brightly at me when I fed him the rest of his food.

'Ood!' he exclaimed happily. He found it difficult to pronouns the first letters of the words, but that made it only cuter in my opinion.

Sapnap had been laying on the ground while playing the whole time. He had his pacifier in his mouth, holding his stuffed animals while playing. He couldn't say much and enjoyed playing alone right now so I took care of George instead.

George was hopping up and down on my leg and I smiled, turning him around so he could look at me. I put the bottle with feeding away once it was finished and cleaned his mouth really well so it wouldn't get on me.

He let me and then rested his head against my chest. 'Kway! Fwiend.'

'I'm your friend! I'm so proud that I have such an amazing boy as my friend,' I answered him. 'Georgie is my friend!'

'Kway!' he repeated. 'Kway fwiend. Kway seet!'

'Do you think I'm sweet? That's so kind of you! I think you're really sweet too, Georgie. You're a really cute, handsome and kind boy.'

'Kway...' he smiled as he pressed his head tightly against my shirt. 'Fwiend.'

He closed his eyes because he was so relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist to be closer to me. Eventually, he fell asleep in my arms.


George woke up hours later, still in my arms. I didn't feel the need to stand up because Sapnap was just playing and I sat relaxed with George in my arms.

When he woke up, I cleaned his diaper which I wanted to do before he fell asleep, but then I decided to just let him sit with me instead. I cleaned his diaper, put the old one away and dressed him up.

He was constantly repeating my name with a very happy smile and I lifted him up again, putting him down on my lap again. George was holding his stuffed animals and seemed to play with them while sitting with me.

I genuinely felt happy. It made me so secure to see that George just wanted to sit with me and that Sapnap was very relaxed with me in the room. He trusted me with his secrets, George wanted to cuddle with me... maybe I wasn't that bad of a person as I always thought I was...

'Georgie? What is your bunny's name? She's such a beautiful girl, does she have a name?'

'Bwunny...' he whispered after a moment of silence.

'What a beautiful name for her.'

'Bwunny kwil, seep bwoi!' he exclaimed, holding them up.

'Sheep is a beautiful boy and Bunny is a beautiful girl!'

'Es!' he answered. 'Bwunny, sweep!'

'Is she going to sleep?' I asked him with a soft smile. He gave me a soft nod and laid her down on his lap. He seemed exhausted because saying words took him a lot of effort, but he was still full of energy to keep learning more.

'Do you want to walk very shortly with me?' I questioned.

He was quiet and then nodded happily. I lifted him up from my lap and held his waist as I put his feet on the floor. I didn't do anything for a few seconds to see if he would do anything himself.

I noticed he was really trying and he put one leg just an inch further.

'Good job!' I yelled. 'You're such a big boy!'

He giggled and bowed through his knees, trying to jump. I lifted him up and let him feel like he was jumping which caused him to giggle.

'Can you try to put the other leg forwards too?' I asked him.

He did everything he could and moved his leg a very small bit forwards.

'I'm so proud of you! Do you want to walk more?'

'No...' he mumbled, looking at me.

'You're really tired, aren't you?' I asked, lifting him up. I held him in my arms and he sighed softly, resting his head against my chest.


'Oh, are you hungry? I understand that, you took some much effort doing that. I will get you your favourite baby food, okay? Sappy?'

'Daddy?' Sapnap whispered as he looked up slowly.

'Do you want some food too? I can prepare it for you!'

'I have food...' he mumbled as he nodded softly.

'Do you want baby food too?'

He nodded slowly and I laid George down to get them some food. I went downstairs and saw an apple, sighing softly. I didn't know if I was allergic to this, but I was very hungry. Maybe I could eat one apple while I fed them...

1107 words

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