chapter 19

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hallway couple


I woke up, regretting everything I did and say to Toby Lee. What was wrong with my hormones ugh! I push myself to get up although I can still feel the stupid cramps. I walk over to my window. He's not picking me up huh. I d-don't care. I look at my hand. Stop Eleanor you're being ridiculous. It's not and never like that. I shake my head and hop in the shower.

As I was making my way to class, Ms. Fiona, the school's guidance counsellor stops me. "Eleanor, are you busy right now?" I shake my head no. "Follow me, we gotta discuss about something."

Shiiiit. Did I get caught? Does my breath smell like cigarettes? I keep on praying for that topic doesn't get brought up. "Have a seat." I did as what was told.

"So Ms Fiona, what did you wanna discuss about? I d-don't think I've done anything wrong... do I?" Ms Fiona casually laughs which is a big relief.

"Don't be silly. It's actually about Toby Lee. I've seen you two talking. Are you two close?"

I look down at my shoes, unsure what 'label' do we have. "Not really, I've asked him to teach me maths. That's kinda it."

She nods her head, processing the information. "Look, Toby is apparently failing all subjects but maths." She slams his report card on the table. I didn't know he was failing.

"What i'm tryna convey right now is I want you to help him out. At least make him pass all of these subjects. I know he can do it because his maths grade is excellent and the highest among other students. Please, Eleanor." I can't help but nod.

"I'll try."

"What's with the dumb frown, El J?" I shove my books inside my locker and slowly slam it to add a little bit of a dramatic effect.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He was taken aback by my question like he's actually hiding something.

"What do you mean?" I sigh.

"You're failing all subjects. I could've helped you! How could you?!"

"Well, i'm sorry that I don't really care about school like you. Not everyone can be like you Eleanor. Studying, making cute notes 24/7." That's so unexpected. "So what? Do you have problems with me studying all the time?"

"Yes I do. You think you're so great. You're full of yourself." "You're so mean, Toby Lee." I storm off. I was followed by Amanda and Scarlett.

"Eleanor seriously, do you guys have something going on?" Their tone is so obvious. They don't care, they are only here to dig some dirt. "We don't. Stop acting like you care."


She storms off after our petty argument. We look like a couple arguing at the hallway. I've always hated that and now here I am, receiving looks and whispers from other students who witness the stupid argument. I make my way to the classroom. Why did we even argue? I don't know, I felt somehow attacked. I walk pass her desk, not looking at her. Neither did she. Time passes by as the lesson goes on. That's when I see her sticking her stupid cute sticky note on the right side of my desk.

tutor at my place after school.
and you're driving :P
P.S i hate you. -Eleanor

I faintly smile at her note. She's got a cute handwriting. I turn to her only to see her pouting while taking notes. That stupid pout of hers.

As the last lesson ends, I wait for her because as usual she's the last one to leave. "Let's go." She says after she was done packing her stuff. She then leads the way instead like she knows where I park the car.

"Do you even know where the car is?" I ask, teasing her. "Nope." "Thought so." I walk faster to lead the way. I open the door for her and buckle her seatbelt.

"I know how to do it by myself." She says rolling her eyes. "Last night you didn't." I wink which caused her cheeks to burn.

Before I start the engine, I just can't endure the guilt any longer. "Hey i'm sorry for being mean." "It's fine. It was a petty argument anyways which I don't understand why you were being so defensive." I stay silent not knowing the reason myself.

Mr Jones is at work, leaving both of us alone. "You can watch tv in the living room." She says putting all the her school belongings in some room downstairs. "Where you going?" I ask, looking around. "I'm making us food. So make yourself at home." She puts an apron over her head. I make my way to her and help her tie the apron which caught her off guard a little.

Of course I didn't watch tv. I was too engrossed looking around. It still feels like home just like last time I came here. I look at pictures that are placed on the glass cabinet and shelves. Where is her mum? But one picture really captures my attention. A picture of Eleanor with another... Eleanor?

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