Paul stanley x reader - ice skating

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Paul's pov

It's 3 pm and I planned something special for y/n. She gets off work at 6 pm, so I have 3 hours left. I just need to pick up a few more things from the store. Roses and chocolate. I arranged for us to go ice skating later on tonight a few weeks ago. Of coarse, she knows nothing about this. I get my things to go to the store for the finishing touches.

I make it to the store and get her chocolate and red roses. I pay for the stuff and leave. Once I get home I start to set up for the first half of our date. I set up the candles, but don't light them. I take some of the roses and take off the petals and lay them around the living area of our apartment. I leave 5 not ripped. I was almost done when I forgot something.
"Right. I wanted to get her crystals." I say to myself out loud.
"Do I have time? Yeah. She's gets off in an hour and a half." I say, looking at the clock. There is a local crystal shop very close to apartment. I rush out the door, grabbing my wallet and shoes. I get to the crystal shop and look for her favorite crystals, amethyst and rose quartz. I find a few pieces that I think she will love. Two are rose quartz shards and two are amethyst clusters. I take them to the checkout counter to pay for them. Bye now, I have 45 minutes to get home and finish setting up. It's a 15 minute walk back and takes 5 minutes to get to our apartment when we get in the building, so I'll only have 25 minutes to finish setting up.

I make it back to the apartment and am able to finish setting up. It's 5:55 so she'll be home any minute. I light the candles and turn off all the lights. A few minutes later, she walks through the door.
"Huh? Paul?" She says while putting her keys on the tray by the door.
"Hi love." I come around the corner, holding the 5 roses I didn't spread around the front of the apartment.
"H-hi?" She replies, looking nervous.
"I hope you free. I planned something for tonight." I say, pulling them into a hug.
"Uh...what?" She says nervously.
"Oh no. Not that. Something else." I say pulling away and hand her the roses.
"Oh. Ok. What is it?" She sighs relieved.
"I found a place about a week ago. An ice skating rink. I know how you've wanted to go for a while." I say smiling and her eyes widen along with her smile.
"Really." She blushes. She does this thing where she waves her arms in front of her when she's excited. She hid it when we first met, but I told her that I didn't mind it.
"Uh huh. But first." I move and direct her to the crystals.
"You got me crystals!" She gasps and brings her hands to her chest.
"Yeah. You like them?" I ask although I know the answer.
"Of coarse I do." She reached for the rose quartz.
"Rose quartz and amethyst." She whispers.
"Thank you!" She put the crystals down and hugs me tightly.
"I also got us a frozen pizza. Not the fanciest thing, but I know you like it and I don't wanna overdo it. And I know you'd prefer that than eating out at some fancy restaurant." I hug back and hold her and I feel her smile into my chest.
"You know me so well." She says and lets go.

*time skip*

"Alright. You ready to go?" I smile at her.
"Uhhuh." She nods.
"Ok. Let's go." I say and drape my arm around her shoulders and we leave our apartment. I called us a cab a few minutes ago so it would be here when we got down. We get in and go to the skating rink.
Once we get there, I pay the driver and we go in the rink, getting skates and putting our stuff in a locker.
"Are you ready?" I smile, taking her hand.
"Y-yeah." She says shakily and my smile slightly drops.
"Is everything ok?" I ask sitting down, but she stands up.
"Yeah. It's just been a while since I've been skating and I'm a little nervous." She says, trying to balance on her skates.
"Oh ok. Don't worry. I won't let you fall." I reply, standing up and kissing her cheek and she blushes.
We go over to the rink and I step in first.
"It's ok." I say as I hold y/ns hands as she tries to step in.
"Woah." She says as she tries to balance in the ice.
"It's ok. I got you." I smile and start to slowly skate backwards, pulling her with me. She starts to kick back, trying to skate and I move to her side.
"That's good. Try walking, but drag your feet." I tell her.
"Oh god. This is...scary." She says.
"You're doing it though." I say and loosen my grip on her hand, but she tightens hers.
"Don't let go." She says through her teeth.
"I won't don't worry."

We've been skating for about 20 minutes and y/n was doing good. She let go of a hand a few minutes ago, but still stayed close to me. She starts to speed up accidentally and starts to freak out, so I skate over to her before she gets hurt. Unfortunately, she falls before I get to her.
"Are you ok?" I ask once I get to her.
"Ow. Yeah." She says.
"Do you wanna stay? Or should we go?" I hold my hand out to her, and she takes it, standing up.
"Can we leave?" She asks looking down.
"Yeah. There's an exit over there." I say and we skate over to it. We take off our skates and find the locker that had our stuff. We leave and find a cab to bring us back to our apartment.
"Did you like it? Well until you fell?" I ask when we get back to our apartment.
"Yeah. It was fun while it lasted." She smiles and cuddles into me.
"Are you tired?" I ask, running my hand through her hair.
"Mhm." She mumbles and yawns.
"I love you." I say and kiss her head.
"I love you too."

FINALLY I FINISHED THIS ONE!!! Only took like a month. I haven't been creative enough for this one but I finally finished it today.

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