Paul x reader - dont worry about it

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Y/n bleeds through a pad on her period and Paul helps her with it.

Paul's pov

I wake up and feel something wet. I look at the clock. It's 9 am. I grown and look under the covers to see what I was feeling. I gasped as I a pool of blood that could have been a crime scene. I gently shake y/n awake. She groans and I have her look at me.
"What? Did I sleep in again?" She says in a groggy voice.
"No. You had a little bit of an accident." I say and her face goes pale as she rips the covers off of her.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad I should have changed my pad last night!" She starts crying.
"Hey, it's ok. I'll start a shower for you, get you some clean clothes and a fresh pad. You can shower, get yourself cleaned up, while I wash the sheets ok?" I reassure her and she nods.
"O-ok." She stutters and calms down a little.

I take her to the bathroom and start her shower.
"I'll be back in a few minutes with clean clothes, ok?" I say and she nods with a few more tears running down her face.

Y/n's pov

Once Paul leaves, I test the water, which is warm, and step in the shower with my clothes on, so I can take them off without making a mess. I start with my shirt, trying to rub as much of the blood out as possible, while starting to cry more. I move to my shorts and underwear, peeling off the soaked pad and gagging as I roll it and toss it in the trash. I do the same thing I did with my shorts as I did with my shirt, which is now hanging over the curtain rod.

I finish rinsing my clothes when Paul knocks on the door.
"Can I come in?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say and he opens the door.
"I have a change of clothes for you. Are you feeling better?" He asks and I head him get a fresh pad from the cabinet.
"Sort of. I'm sorry. I should ha-" I start but get get off.
"Hey. Don't worry about it. I have stain remover on the sheets right now." He says, making me break down and slide down to the floor in tears. I knew I should have changed my pad last night. I hear him slightly sigh before he says, "Do you want me to make you something to eat? Or do you wanna go back to sleep?"
"I don't know." I cry into my hand.
"Ok. I put a pad and underwear on the toilet." He says before leaving.

Paul's pov

I leave the room, feeling bad for y/n. I go downstairs and set out a few pillows and blankets on the couch in case she wants to sleep after her shower. I also prepare some waffles for both of us so she can have something when she gets out if she'd rather that.

About 15 minutes later, she comes out, face red from crying.
"Hey darlin. How you feelin?" I ask, going over to her.
"Tired. And sad." She says, letting herself fall into my arms.
"Do you wanna try to go back to sleep?" I ask and she shakes her head.
"I'm too awake right now." She says and wraps her arms around me.
"Do you wanna eat? I made waffles if you do." I say and feel her smile in my chest.
"Sure." She says and let's go, rubbing her eyes and yawing.
"Ok." I drape my arm over her shoulder and bring her to the counter where the waffles are.

I grab a plate for her as well as one for me, and two forks. She sits at a stool and I place one of the plates and a fork in front of her. I grab the stack of waffles and sit down.
"Do you want anything to drink?" I ask as she takes a waffle.
"Water?" She says, still a little groggy.
"Ok." I smile, kissing her cheek and getting her a cup of water.
"Here you go love." I say and she blushes.
"Thank you." She replies.

*time skip*

We finished eating and are now on the couch, cuddling.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
"Do you have fox and the hound?" She asks, looking up at me.
"I think so. Hold on." I say and go to the tv stand and look through the tapes I owned until I found fox and the hound.
"Yep." I say, holding it up before putting it in the vcr. I go back to the couch and cuddle y/n.

About 40 minutes later, she's crying into my shoulder. I start tearing up myself. It's such a sad movie, but she wanted to watch it, and I feel like this is why. She hugs me tighter and starts mumbling the words. I smile down at her and kiss the top of her head.

As the movie goes on, she starts to do that thing where you jolt up, then close your eyes, then jolt up, and close you eyes again. She does that for about 5 minutes before falling asleep in my lap.
"I love you." I say, running my hand through her hair.

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