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"We're back guys. An hour into our trip." Nick says.

"Oh my god Nick stop." Matt rolls his eyes. "You're so annoying. Can you guys just be quiet so we can listen to Dominic Fike?"

I turn the music down. "Go on Nick."

"Thank you Jordan. If you couldn't tell by grumpy grumperstein over there, we're all tired."

"Except me. I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night and got myself a coffee." I say.

"Can I have some?" Chris asks.

"Yeah sure."

"Oh shit this is actually good." He starts to take a big gulp.

"If I had known you'd be drinking half of it I'd have gotten the large one." I say, grabbing the cup from him.

"Did you eat your donut yet?" Matt asks.

"No." I say.

"Come on." They all say.

"Seriously Jordan, if you don't eat something you'll be running off of 5 hours of sleep and caffeine. Also, drinking coffee and not eating something isn't good because the acid from the coffee eats your insides instead of the food in your stomach." Nick explains.

"What the fuck does any of that mean?" Chris asks.

Nick rolls his eyes. "Anyways I'll check back with you guys soon." He turns the camera off.

"Fine, I'll eat it at the next rest stop." I say. "We should do a fit check when we stop."

"Yes." Nick says. "See, motivated to make content? Yes please."

I smile.

When we get to Maryland, I'm just about ready to throw Chris over the Bay Bridge.

"Oh my god Chris. Stop touching the aux, stop drinking all my coffee, can you close your mouth for two seconds? You're just throwing up words there isn't even a point to what you're saying and I'm really tired and I want to take a nap." I whine.

"Jordan, you see this road right here?" Matt asks, pointing to an upcoming turn.

"That's where we're gonna be staying when we go to Bethany, remember?"

I sniffle. "Yeah Matt I know where my own family's condo is."

"The next rest stop is in a few miles, it'll be about halfway. I'll start driving from there." Matt says.


We haven't stopped at all yet which is also another reason I flipped out. I've needed to go to the bathroom since we hit Pennsylvania, so for about 2 hours.

I pull up to the rest stop and get my phone out.

We all get out of the car and I go on Tik Tok. I go to the boys' account and start recording.

"Fit check, white tee from chris's closet, black yoga pants with bellbottom cuffs from aerie, my crimson tint Jordans and of course my rings and the keys to the van." I smile and flip the camera to the boys.

"Chris went with his white lyrical lemonade shirt that I love and have tired to steal many times, and black shorts today. His hair looks like shit." I put the camera right next to his face and he giggles.

I flip the camera back to me and point it towards me. "Nick went with a white tee just like me, his funky yellow and orange pants, and white converse, even though they're not really white anymore. Then we got Matt. Purple ransom shirt, kaki shorts, and his custom forces. Chris has his white forces on too by the way. Comment who had the best outfit but we're gonna take a bathroom break now."

I caption it 'who has the most swag?', tag myself, and post it.

We get to the bathrooms and I rush in. Thank god there's no line. I rush in and do my business before washing my hands and meeting the boys outside again.

I hand the keys to Matt.

He hugs me. "Are you okay?" He whispers to me.

"Yeah. I'm good." I hug back.

"I got you one of those Mickey Mouse snack things in case you don't want the donut. It's got cheese, grapes, pretzels and apples." he hands it to me.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Of course. And if you want to take a nap I can make sure Chris doesn't touch the aux."

I smile. "No it's fine. Cause," I turn to the boys. "I call shotgun."

"Shit bro." Chris whines.

I get in the front seat. "Don't worry, I'll play some Skies. Some."

"Uggghhhh." Chris groans and gets in the back seat behind me.

I smile and open the snack Matt got me.

"Chris you want my donut? Matt got me a better snack."

"Yes." He snatches it.

Nick looks at him.

"What? She's still eating something." He rolls his eyes and shoves the donut into his mouth.


"This is so not fair. I'm banished to the back seat with Nick. Fucking loser shit bro."

"It is loser shit. Now shut up so I can take a nap." I say.

Matt laughs.


I groan and sit up.

"How long was i sleeping?" I ask, seeing that it's dark out now."

"3 hours." Matt says.

I gasp. "3 hours? It felt like 5 minutes!"

"That means it was a good sleep." Nick says.

I fix my seat for chris.

"I really wish we would've flown down and rented a car when we got there." Chris says, crossing his arms.

"I'm gonna make a tik tok." I say.

"It's dark, you won't even be able to see anything." Matt says.

"Whatever." I say, pulling out my phone.

@whoisjordan: driving in the dark >>>> @mattsturniolo

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@whoisjordan: driving in the dark >>>> @mattsturniolo


christophersturniolo: obviously Matt is boring you, come sit in the back with me
^whoisjordan: no you heathen

nicolassturniolo: you make a 21 hour drive with Matt look fun, you must be a god

user: who even is this girl

user1: if u love Jordan >>>>

user2: does she respond <3
^whoisjordan: ofc I do!

user3: @user I think she's their sister
^user4: no I think she's dating chris lol
^nicolassturniolo: neither of you are correct


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