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"Hey guys. Welcome or welcome back to our YouTube channel. We're the Sturniolo triplets." Nick says.

"We have Jordan with us again today, she's kind of annoying at this point." Chris says.

"Chris shut the fuck up." Nick says, looking up from his phone.

I smile.

"Chris our subscribers like her more than they like you." Matt laughs.

"Get the fuck outta here. You're fucking- shut up Matt, your favorite fruit is apples. Who the fuck likes apples? That's why no one matches you on the similarity tests." Chris yells.

"I like apples." I say quietly.

Matt snaps his fingers and points to me. "HA!"

"Anyway, back to the video. Today we're doing a Q and A." Nick says.

"We asked you guys to ask us questions on our instagram and we'll be answering some of them in this video." Matt says.

"Okay, first question." I open my phone.

"We're doing this on Jordan's phone because she's addicted and can't be away from it for 5 seconds." Matt says.

I slap him. "That is so not true."

"Oh, come on. It is so true." Chris and Nick both say at the same time.

"'who is more likely to keep a secret out of the three of you?'" I ask.

"Definitely Matt." Chris says.

"Yeah, Matt for sure." I say.

"I'd say Chris." Matt says.

"Jordan is terrible at keeping secrets." Chris adds.

I gasp. "That is not true."

"Oh please Jordan, as soon as I tell you something you go and squeal to all your friends." Chris rolls his eyes.

"That is not true. You guys are literally my only friends." I say. "Nick's my best friend. Nick's the gay best friend and Matt's like my older brother."

"So I'm like your best friend's hotter older brother." Chris nods.

I laugh. "Shut up."

"Chris, you're the fucking youngest kid." Nick says.

"Next question. If you had to pick one of the- next question." My brain reads the question faster than my mouth does and I realize I shouldn't say it out loud.

"No no, finish that question." Matt says.

"It's not a good one." I say.

"Oh just tell us." Chris says.

"Fine, it asks 'if you had to pick one of the other triplets that you were closer to, who would it be?'" I say.

"Honestly, we're close in different ways, like everyone thinks that Matt and I are close and we just ignore Nick, but most of the time Nick and Matt are screaming at me because I said something wrong."

"Yeah cause you're a fucking idiot." Matt says.

I start laughing.

"Again, you like apples, shut up bitch." Chris defends.

"Next question, 'who is Jordan and why is she always with you guys? how did you guys meet her? Are any of you dating her?' Okay, everyone always seems to get this confused. I am not dating Chris, I am not dating Matt, I'm obviously not dating Nick. I'm not related to them but like I feel like they see me as a sister cause I see them as brothers."

They all nod. "I feel like we've all been like best friends since kindergarten and we've always been super overprotective."

"Oh, this one time, okay when we met, we were in kindergarten and Jordan was the only person that wasn't related to us that could tell us apart easily. And we grew up next to each other, like neighbors, and we didn't know she was next door until kindergarten. But this one time when Jordan got a boyfriend, we were sophomores. His name was Dylan, and he- we hated him. Also I know I just said his name but I'm gonna bleep it anyway." Nick rambles.

"Dude I was so close to punching him in the face." Chris says.

"So he broke up with her because she was 'too weird' whatever that means, and we almost killed him." Nick says.

Chris starts laughing. "Just grabs a sledge hammer, let's get the fuck outta here."

Matt throws his head back laughing and nods.


"Alright guys, thank you for watching. If you liked us subscribe to our YouTube channel." I say.

"And if you liked some of us, but not all of us," Matt gestures to himself and nick and then points to chris. "Then follow our instagrams and tik toks so you don't have to deal with the other one."

"Bye!" We all say at the same time.

a/n- hope you guys like this first chapter

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