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"Did you guys ever wonder if you were gay? If so when and how often?" I ask.

"We never act on it or anything but when you're like in elementary school you wonder a little bit." Matt says.

"I knew from 6 years old I was straight. I was having vivid dreams and I was like 'this is it for me bro.'" Chris says.

I start laughing.

"I was like 'this is my calling.'"

"Do girls question it?" Matt asks.

"Yeah. A lot. I've never had a crush on a girl but when I was in middle school through like freshman year I was wondering if I was bi. I never thought I was fully lesbian, I was like there's just no way. Cause I had a crush on... someone who doesn't need to be named, from second grade to eighth grade and then sophomore year I met someone else that doesn't need to be named and I started liking him, and I liked him through junior year, we started dating for a little, it didn't end well, and here we are." I explain.

"People, are gonna think you were in love or some shit." Chris says.

"I was, just not with who they think. I mean yeah I liked a guy for 7 years but I was too young to be in love. And I didn't know him well enough. And he was an absolute jerk until 7th grade. But then I didn't like anyone freshman year. Then I pretty much fell in love at first sight sophomore year." I say. "Anyways, this isn't my life story. This is about you guys. Do guys care about cellulite or stretch marks?"

"I don't." Chris says. "I think they're cool. It's like having a cool battle scar."

"Chris." I sigh.

"What?" He asks.

"I don't think that's what girls wanna hear but go ahead."

"They look cool. You could make up a cool story and be like 'oh yeah I fell off my bike and hit the grill of a car and I got a bunch of stitches and now I have scars from it'. Plus I still think they look cool."

"I don't mind them. I don't care what your body looks like. I mean I do but not that much. I'd rather date a girl with stretch marks and cellulite and stuff like that if she has a really good personality, than a really pretty and skinny girl with a bad personality, like you."

"Woah woah woah Matt."

"No! No I didn't mean your personality is dull I mean like a girl that looks like you with a bad personality." He clarifies.

"Okay. And thank you for calling me pretty." I smile.

He laughs.

"Next question please." Chris says with a slightly bitter tone.

"Um... do you guys care if a girl burps? Do you think it's gross?" I ask.

"I think it's hilarious. It's so attractive when girls just don't care. Like be yourself." Chris says.

"I think if I didn't have two gassy triplet brothers I wouldn't think it was gross but I'm just so used to Nick and Chris burping constantly and I hate it." Matt says.

I laugh.

"If you're friends with a girl but you like her, and you shoot your shot with her but she rejects you, are you gonna still treat her the same way you did before or are you gonna be rude or stop talking to her?" I ask.

"It depends on the girl. It depends on how close I am with them and how they reject me." Chris says.

"Yeah same." Matt says.


"You guys seem to be asking a lot of questions about Jordan lately so we're doing another Q and A with her." Nick says.

I smile.

"You look like a creepy clown." Chris says.

I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, we have some juicy questions to ask you. Hehehe." Nick laughs evily.

"Oh god." I giggle uncontrollably.

"If you had to date any of the triplets, who would it be?" Nick asks.

"Nick." I say.

He smiles. "Yes!"

"Okay but seriously." Chris says.

"Well I see Matt like a brother and you're really annoying so Nick." I stand by my answer.

"Oh my fucking-"

"Let's just move on." Matt says.

"Have Matt or Chris ever dated any of your friends and did you stay friends after?"

"Yeah, Matt dated Julie but she fucking flipped out so he dumped her and she never talked to me again." I giggle.

"Oh yeah, we were in like 5th grade and she was talking about a fucking wedding. I was like naahhhh." Matt says.

"She should've been put into a mental institution." I say. "It was creepy. Actually she did talk to me again. In 7th grade we had English together and she asked me how big it was."

Nick busts out laughing. "How'd you answer?"

"I was like 'as big as your forehead bitch' and I walked out the classroom.

Chris folds in his seat. "Dude she had a massive forehead."

"Okay, okay." Nick manages to stop laughing. "Okay, is Jordan dating Chris?"

At the same time, the four of us all go "NO!"

"I'm gonna put that in my bio soon bruh, I'm tired of this shit." I say.

"Aw this girl is so nice, she said 'how do you deal with the hate? it's so unnecessary and you have inspired me to be myself and not care what others think.' That's so sweet."

"Whoever that is, you just made my day, but I don't really have a specific strategy for dealing with hate, plus Nick won't let me forget I'm hot so there's that."


"Nick!" Chris whines.

"Baby doesn't like the loud noises." I stick out my bottom lip.

"Shut up." He rolls his eyes.

I slowly stick my hand between the doors and Chris's seat. I suddenly poke him.

He launches his butt of the seat. "Oooowwwwww! Stopppppp."

I laugh.

"Oh my godddd." He whines. "Now I'm gonna have a bruise on my butt."

"Oh shut up you're such a baby." Matt rolls his eyes.

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