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"Okay guys, we're gonna... we're gonna do a quick q and a while Jordan is driving so we're gonna set the camera up more towards me but tilted towards her. You'll know what I mean when I set it up." Nick says.

"Bro, literally stop touching me I keep telling you to stop and you won't." Matt sighs.

Chris laughs. "Mememememe." He flicks his finger on Matt's nose.

"Stop!" Matt yells.

"Chris, Matt told you to stop. Sit quietly in the seat, hands to yourself please." I say.

"This is why no one likes you." Chris mumbles.

"Alright smart guy." I start to pull over.

I walk around the other side and pull Chris out of the car. "Do not distract me while I'm driving! If I crash, Matt's gonna blame me. Especially on a huge ass bridge that's miles long. I know it's hard having so much energy and having to stay in the car but just think about getting to the hotel and spending time at the beach in Florida. We're in South Carolina, we're most of the way through. On our way back home, we're stopping in Myrtle, remember?"

Chris nods at me with wide eyes.

"So sit in that damn seat and when Matt says stop, listen to him."


I push him back into the seat and come back around and get into the car.

I sigh.

"Anyways... we're gonna do a small Q and A, I'm pretty sure some of these are for Jordan." Nick says.

"CHRIS!" Matt yells.

I gasp and swerve the car a little bit. "Oh my fucking god." I pull over again. "Nick and Chris switch places right now."

Nick sighs. "Banished to the back once again."

Chris and Nick put their seat belts on.

"Are we sure no one's gonna scream at chris this time? Because I can't pull over on a bridge. We're about to get on a big bridge and if I pull over it means I'm driving off the edge of that bitch."

"Jeez, mom." Chris rolls his eyes.

"Well someone has to take care of you. Fucking child. You can't function without another human being." I roll my eyes.

"First question." Nick starts like Chris and I aren't about to murder each other. "Jordan, who is your favorite triplet? I think you answered this already but do it again for the people that didn't see that video."

"Anyone but Chris honestly. I couldn't really choose, I love them all in different ways. But if my life depended on it probably Nick." I say, still focusing on the road.

"Yeahhhh. Alright. I know you guys have been friends with Jordan since kindergarten, have any of you guys had a crush on her? Answer honestly." Nick reads. "I had a crush on you in like second grade, cause I didn't realize I was gay. And then Tommy was cute so I figured I didn't like you anymore." He shrugs.

I laugh.

"I liked her in Junior year." Chris says.

Everyone stops and looks at him.

"Chris, that's like really recent. That was only like 2 years ago." Matt says.

"Anyways, it's your turn Matt." Chris changes the subject.

"Oh wait wait! Sorry to interrupt this quality triplet time, but who am I sharing a hotel room with? Which one of you?" I ask.

They all look at me. "Um... all of us."

"What? I thought we got two rooms." I say.

"Nope. Just one."

I sigh. "Well who am I sharing a bed with then?"

They shrug.

"Anyways. someone- oh. That's not very nice. Next, someone-"

"Nick, read it."

"No, it's mean." Nick says.

"Read it. Can't be more annoying than Chris." I say.

"Alright. Someone said 'I don't get the constant obsession with Jordan. idk who she even is. if they were quadruplets I'd understand but she's not related to them so it just doesn't make sense. I bet one of them is... doing stuff with her.'" Nick reads.

I laugh. "Okay guys, listen. I get that some of you might be kinda jealous cause you guys think they're cute and you wish you were me, but I've known them since kindergarten, I'm kind of pretty much their family, they're my family at least. I live next door to them and my parents didn't care so I pretty much lived at their house, and people keep saying im using them for clout which is fucked up, and get your facts right because everyone makes content with their friends whether they're famous or not. Yeah I have less followers than them, cause they're the triplets, their thing is being triplets, and im not a triplet. So stop coming after me just because you want to be me."

"Also, the video that blew us up was with Jordan." Chris says.

"Also she's been logged into the group account pretty much since we made it. That's how she posted the fit check earlier." Matt says.


(a/n- anyways go off queen)


"GUYS WE'RE HERE!" Nick says, hopping out of the car.

"We still have to rush to get all of our stuff into the room and then go to the photo shoot." Matt says.

"Yeah guys so basically, I'm gonna drop them off at the shoot after we get all our stuff in the room, and then I am going to go and get my nails done, and then I'm going to come back and join them in the shoot." I explain.

Nick smiles at the camera.

We all grab a suitcase and go into the lobby.

We get the room keys and check in.

We carry all our stuff up in 2 trips.

I high five everyone.

"Yeahhhh." They all clap.

"Alright guys. I call shower first." I say.

I grab a white king sleeve crop top and big camo cargo pants and go into the bathroom.

I take a shower and wash my hair. When I get out, I grab the hairdryer and change before leaving the bathroom for the boys to shower.

Chris goes next, I plug in the hairdryer and start drying my hair in front of the mirror.

"You know what you should do?" Matt asks.

"What?" I ask.

"I know you've been meaning to start youtube, you should film a makeup routine or a get ready with me. I know people ask for your makeup stuff cause I see it in your comments."

I nod. "Maybe I'll do that tomorrow."

A/n- 1.63k READS?! WHAT?!

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