Prologue, a few moons ago...

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(Author's Note: This was made around a year ago on a Google doc. I haven't read over any of this story since then, I'm just uploading it to Wattpad. Please excuse my probably awful writing.)

(For context, DreamClan is Heaven, Sunfall is sunset, Killers are fully trained apprentices)

Sunfall wasn't always this beautiful. There golden evening spread across the camp. Dew glittered on each fresh blade of greenpelt. Pale light filtered down to bathe the land in tones of fresh milky pink. Two Kits stamped around their camp excitedly. A dark kit whipped by, stretching her for-paws. "It's called tag because I'm supposed to tag you!"

The other kit, her pelt just as dark as the first kit's, twisted around to glare at her sister. "Not if you can't catch me!"

She shot away, bouncing and laughing. I can do this! The first kit thought, her belly sparking with anger. She raced forwards, almost on her sister's tail instantly. She lashed her tiny claws out, hoping to snag her fur. "Cheater! No claws Star!" her sister called back, dodging Star's swipes and rolling to her side. Star felt like she was boiling. "Catching you isn't cheating Moon!" she hissed, rolling on her back and springing up to pin her sister finally. "Tag."

Moon gasped. "Come on!" she lashed her short tail. Star stepped off of Moon's chest. "I know, I'll make a great killer."

Moon snorted and nudged her sister playfully. "What else should we do?" Star asked. She sat down, her tail bouncing with boredom. "We could fly?" Moon suggested. Star ruffled her wings. Does she REALLY think we can fly?! We're just two tiny little kits!

Moon all of a sudden smiled. "Yes. We should fly." her gaze started to grow desperate and excited. "No." Star hissed. She didn't like the idea of being up so high, just her useless wings keeping her between life and death. "Come on!" Moon urged. "It'll be easy!" she ruffled her speckled wings. "You worry too much. You're just like dad."

Star snorted, making a weird disgusted face, "Who doesn't worry about things like this?" she snarled, "You don't worry enough Moon! Dad told me that danger lurks everywhere, and one thing I don't need is a broken neck!"

Moon sighed, her ears drooped. Pale golden light gleamed on Star's pelt, making it look like night, her black-indigo fur glossy against her sprinkled white paws. Moon's fur looked like a dark raven with a bright crescent print on her forehead. Moon looked disappointed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure we fly someday," Star said, her eyes and voice softened. "As if you'll let me." Moon hissed sadly. "Of course, I will!" Star meowed, sounding a bit offended. She continued to speak. "It's not my decision if you ever fly anyways. I think you can achieve your goal if you try."

Moon pricked her ears a bit. Her expression was lightening. "Great. So can we start trying?"

Star blinked. "Well, uh- I think we should wait until dad teaches us to fly. He'll do it eventually. It's expected of apprentices." she started, but Moon was giving off a sharp glare. Star's spikes prickled as she flexed her claws. "There's no harm in waiting a little bit to learn to fly if we ever get there!"

Moon's golden-amber eyes widened with disbelief. Star could sense the radiating burn in her sister's gaze even without looking at her. I shouldn't have said that.

Star looked down at her paws and she felt kind of disappointed. She probably would never learn to fly anyway. She also felt bad for making her sister sad and unconfident. "Look, maybe we can learn to fly tomorrow. Let's just get duskmeal before the prey is gone," Star insisted. Moon perked up a little as they dashed off to get her final meal of the night. One day, I hope, I will become a Killer, I will fight and fly, and nobody will ever limit me! Star thought. Her sister, Moon, was usually thinking about the same thing, so Star knew she was excited for flight too, but there was no doubt that disappointment and anger flooded her sister's mind as well. Star and Moon usually thought most things alike. They knew each other pretty well, despite their young age. Star sometimes hated how she could feel Moon's feelings too. They radiated off of her like all of the sunlight in the world was aimed at her sister. Star looked at the prey choices. She choose a small magpie that was placed neatly on top of the dip that held all of the prey in camp. Moon decided on a fat mouse. While the two Kits gnawed on their prey, they thought about the future, just deciding not to speak to each other. Star didn't want to fuel Moon's stormy feelings.

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