[̲̅3] 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬

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"what do we have here? such a beauty only working as a waitress?" ran leaned in forward, his eyes were burning holes into yours. you cursed under your breath, unable to recognise them no matter how hard you tried.

"welcome to [C/N], gentlemen. we are honoured to have you here and please enjoy your time. boss will be arriving soon." you quickly bowed and placed the drinks on the glass table. there was again, something off. it was giving you goosebumps if only the man with pink hair would stop staring at you. "won't you stay for a while with us? it's a shame to leave in a hurry." koko shoved his phone inside his jacket pocket whilst raising an eyebrow towards your way.

"unfortunately i am unable to do that sir. i have more customers to serve and we are lacking few workers here." you cleared your throat and excused yourself before exiting the room.

"i wanna die." you mumbled.


sanzu's eyes never left your figure. he could see you from inside the room through the glass window. he couldn't place it but there was something odd that kept on averting his gaze back to you.

as for now, they were open to accept any women coming onto them to have a good time. the same woman who he called dibs on was on his lap, whispering seductive words into his ear but he wasn't focusing at all. in his head was you and that short black skirt you were wearing. he took note that you would look even more prettier with a choker around your neck.

"hey..let's go somewhere private." the woman tugged on his tie, breathing heavily into his right ear. she was getting aroused and here he was staring at you again.

"get off me." he blurted out and pushed her away.

kakucho who was observing the whole scene was confused. where is the drug addict going? his eyes were quick to catch you who was currently on a short break at the back of the counter alone.

"looks like sanzu has caught a liking to someone." kakucho signalled mikey who was sipping on a new drink.

the younger man quietly nod.


you sat on the small stool, fixing your clothes that were slightly crumpled. a customer who was an old man, a CEO of a famous company had grabbed you from behind in an inappropriate manner which resulted in you to slap him away.

thank goodness gin was quick to bring the man away but you knew shintaro will not be happy upon hearing this news.

"what's with frown?" an unfamiliar voice appeared in front of you and as you looked up, his blue eyes captivated yours.

the same man with pink hair leaned against the bar counter, his fingers were tapping silently on the table as a sly smile formed on his face. "do you need anything sir?" you stood up, brushing your skirt as he looked around the area. he took out a small container, popping a few pills out spread on the empty table. your eyes almost widened from the casualty he was showing.

"want one?" he asked, putting 2 pills in his mouth at once.

"i don't do drugs." you declined his offer, clenching a fist behind your back. he looks and sounds like the definition of danger. there was no need in making random conversations with customers, you're only working here to pay off the debt for your parents.

"you should, their wonderful." he shoved back the container into his pocket, revealing a gun around his waist. your knees almost gave up but you held onto the table for support.

"say, why don't you work for us? at our club, we'll pay you triple the amount you're getting now." he smiled innocently. you wanted to get out of the conversation, trying to find gin but she was nowhere to be seen. "don't you think it's a bit rude to make this a one sided conversation?" he cupped your chin and tilted your face to make eye contact with him.

due to your reflexes, you harshly pulled his hand away which made him smile even more.

"don't touch me and no, i don't need your offer and i don't wish to work for you." your eyes were glaring daggers at him, resisting the urge to slap him across the face.

"i'm not that desperate."


ever since that short conversation, you never interacted with him again that night which was fortunate.

you bid gin and hiromi goodbye as you started walking to your car. "what the fuck." you ran to one of the tyres as it was deflated. there was a huge nail inside it and a few other holes.

"you've got to be kidding me." you sighed in despair, throwing the nail behind your back with a frustrated expression. there must've been someone who did it, no way it was on accident. unfortunately it was almost 4 AM and there's no way you could call for a car service at this hour.

"just great, i'm walking home." you mumbled, shivering from the sudden cold wind.

"need a ride home?"

"need a ride home?"

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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐭 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 || 𝗦.𝗛𝗮𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗵𝗶𝘆𝗼 Where stories live. Discover now