[̲̅4] 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭

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"no, thank you for the offer." you ran your fingers through your hair and started to walk away. "you know it's dangerous walking around at this hour. drunks and creeps are out there like crazy." he chuckled, reviving the engine of his car. you could almost swore he was trying to rile you up with all his mocking words.

"i am well aware sir." you replied without making eye contact and continued walking.

the sound of a car door being slammed open and multiple foot steps echoed through the air. his hands managed to grab your wrist, pulling you closer. "passing a rare opportunity like this? i won't do anything, i'll just send you home that's it." your eyes averted to the scars on both side of his mouth which he seemed to notice and made him look away, hiding his face.

"why are you trying to hide your face?" you questioned, pulling back your wrist away from his grasp. he cleared his throat, "nothing, there's nothing to stare about on my face." his eyes had somehow changed.

you sighed, knowing he wouldn't let you go easily. "send me straight home, no funny business or i'm going to stab your eye."


the both of you sat in the car with pure silence. there was no heavy traffic given that it was already 4 AM.

"why are you in a gang?" you accidentally blurted out. the question has been hanging around in your mind for quite some time and occupied your whole thoughts during the night.

"why are you a waitress in a nightclub?" he shot back, eyes mischievously glinting in the street lamp's reflection. you rolled your eyes in annoyance, huffing and mumbling alone, "that's none of your business. i asked first, you should answer."

he suddenly hit the brakes making the car stop abruptly as you clung onto your seatbelt. "are you trying to fucking kill me? i'll make sure you-"
he suddenly leaned closer and grabbed your face gently, hot breath fanning your ear.

"you sure have a talkative mouth huh? wonder if that can be put in other use." his voice sent goosebumps down your skin. you pushed him away by the chest with flushed ears. "ever heard of personal space with strangers? if it weren't for your persistent ass i wouldn't have accepted your offer." you fixed your sitting position, trying to be comfortable with the short skirt.

unfortunately, your pants from before had torn from getting attached to the bolt of the door and it couldn't be fixed. hence, resulting in you having to wear the dumb short skirt back home.

you didn't catch it but he seemed to notice your behaviour. rolling his eyes, he grabbed his dark purple jacket and tossed it on your lap, covering your bare cold legs.

"the name is sanzu haruchiyo." he began to drive again, turning on the radio.



you had actually told him to drop you off at a friends house in disguise so he wouldn't know your real address.

"dude, what the hell? you literally showed up in my house at 4 AM with a fancy ass car and a guy that i don't know-" you flicked her forehead before slouching down on the couch. sanzu didn't take his jacket back and you just realised it. "that jacket looks hella expensive too! did you get a sugar daddy or something? i thought we'd do that together." narumi pouted and clung onto your arm.

"are you crazy? that was just a weirdo and why would i find a sugar daddy without you? not to mention their fucking creepy sometimes." you sighed as she snuggled closer to you.

"how was work?" and you began telling her how your night went.


the next morning had came. you received a text from gin saying you should be at the club by 1 for preparations and the opening. "i wonder what happened between boss and that gang.. perhaps does he have a debt like me?" you muttered to yourself, fixing your hair in the mirror.

"that's not impossible though." you walked out of the apartment with a heavy heart knowing you had to walk all the way since your car was still at the car shop. you had called for service and told them your car's location in the morning.

as soon as the elevator's door opened, you stepped out in a hurry but that didn't let you escape from the eyes of sanzu haruchiyo.

"in a rush?"

that damn annoying voice again. why is he here? you thought he had left you for good or maybe start doing something else and how the hell did he found out your real home address?

"didn't expect to run into you today." you glared at him, not in the mood to talk.

"oh no, i was waiting for you actually. get in the car now." he opened the driver's seat and revived his engine which caught the attention of some passerby.

"what the fuck shut up? you're ruining the peace and i can walk there." he didn't say anything except for leaning against the window, staring at your chest.

you banged on the window, "perverted asshole."


sanzu grinned to himself, seeing you walk away on your own and disappear from his sight. he couldn't sleep last night, your alluring eyes and fierce glare was full in his mind.

even his drugs couldn't drown you away from his thoughts. weird.

but then he saw a guy with a black mask tailing you from behind, in hand was a phone held close to his ear.

what the fuck did he wanted with you?

what the fuck did he wanted with you?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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