What do you want?

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"Hey," Yelena didn't respond she just walked closer and cupped Kate's cheek. She felt time slow down again and the butterflies raise inside her. Kate smiled and started to lean in.

"Kate, Yelena?" Melina knocked on the door. Both girls jumped back and called out to her. Yelena had more of an annoyance in her tone.

Melina came in holding blankets that they had used earlier. "I wanted to bring these back since it's so cold out. Sleep well alright." Melina set the blankets down and wished them both a good night as well as kissed Yelena's forehead.


After a painful night for Yelena after Kate didn't say anything else but made it clear she just wanted to go to sleep, Yelena woke and then wished her goodbyes and they left for New York.

They didn't have much to talk about. The whole trip was awkward and hard to say the least. When they got home both dogs jumped with joy around them, Kate immediately offered to take them out and left.

Yelena paced around the apartment, she couldn't hold out much longer and she knew that Kate was playing with her at this point. She came up with a plan and convinced herself there was no going back and it would be great.

Kate walked back in and unhooked both leashed while Yelena watched with intent while leaning on the kitchen counter. She admired as the brunette pulled off her jacket and sighed.

"Kate what is this?" Kate faced Yelena and gave a questioning look of pure confusion. "What's what?" Yelena scoffed and walked to the front door where Kate still stood.

Yelena pushed Kate by her chest until she hit her back on the door. Kates heart sped up and her breath got heavy making it clearer when her chest moved. Yelena kept her hand there and used the other to lean on the door.

"I mean what are we?" Kate felt like fainting at Yelena's accent. "I don't know." Yelena scoffed and leaned in more so their bodies were pressed together. "What do you want to be?" Kate froze, she knew what she wanted and it was very clear that Yelena wanted the same thing. But...

*Flash Back- Kate*

Kate stood in the living room in front of her mom. She had built this up for months and needed it to be off her chest. Kate had known for a while but she just couldn't seem to admit it.

"Mom, I'm gay." She said the words as fast as they could roll off her tongue which still didn't seem fast enough. "What?" Kate opened her eyes again seeing her mother burn with fury hoping she had heard wrong.

"I like girls." Her mom scoffed and stood up. "Your 15, you don't know what you like Kate. Stop messing around. Remember what happened to Lucy that girl at school when she said she 'wanted to be a boy'? It's all pretend and just a phase. Kate don't do this."

Kate could feel her anger build. "'HE'" Kate spit out with anger correcting her mom. "He, goes by Luke now! And you know that. It's not a phase mom!" Kate was yelling now.

"Whatever. Think how disappointed your father would be." Kate walked out, she went upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

She laid down on the bed and screamed into the pillow. When she flipped over she could hear her moms words echo inside her.

Her dad wouldn't be upset right? He would love her no matter what happened or who she liked. And most of all it wasn't a phase. Kate knew this was her and she knew who she liked.


Here Kate stood, the girl she's liked for weeks pressed against her asking what she wanted to do. All Kate thought of was if her dad would be disappointed in who she liked. Yelena wasn't to sure of her own thoughts either.

*Flash Back- Yelena*

"Eva, please. No one is gonna catch us. I love you." Eva continued walking away, Yelena grabbed her arm. She turned and faced the young blonde girl.

"Yelena stop. You don't love me." Yelena let go of her arm at the statement. "You and I both know we will get caught. Don't kid yourself. This is ridiculous." "Don't say that, it's not crazy and I do love you."

Eva pulled Yelena out of the corridor and into an empty room. "what do you think is gonna happen, huh? We'll magically escape and run off together so we can get married and have a family." Yelena backed up from her and tears formed in her eyes.

"If any of the leaders see or catch word of it we're dead. Plus there's no way we're the only ones and I don't want to ruin it for others because you told someone we kissed. We aren't gonna go off to fairyland."

"That's not what will ever happen. We're stuck here. Condemned to these walls, with these people forever. There is no future for us, got it." Eva was whisper yelling. Yelena nodded as tears streamed down her cheek.

"Please just kiss me one more time Eva." Eva sighed and pushed Yelena to the wall connecting their lips hard one last time before walking out.

Yelena stood in the dark room alone and let her body sink to the floor.


"What do you want to be?" Yelena stood waiting for a reply. Kate opened her mouth to reply but her phone rang. Yelena sighed and backed up, Kate gave a sorry look and checked who it was.

"Hi Clint" if it was anyone else she would have ignored it immediately but Clint didn't call unless it was important. Yelena rolled her eyes and was upset Kate picked up the phone but understood.

"Um, I mean I was gonna do something but what do you need?" Kate nodded and said okay a few times before hanging up. "Sorry" Kate put her phone back in her pocket and went to say something but Yelena had already pinned her again against the door.

"No more interruptions, I swear." Kate smiled hoping she hadn't ruined the moment forever. Yelena did sort of wonder what the call was about but kissing Kate was far more important.

Yelena leaned in...

Word Count: 1,052

So... 🧍‍♀️
Now what

Living With Her \\ Yelena Belova x Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now