His coffee, a new brewing

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It was a sunday afternoon and a certasin black haired person has reentered the Ichiraku Kōhī Shop. He was a very mysteroius figure and kept his feelings and emotions all to himself. Well most of the time. He practically lives in the shop though the workers nor the cusomers really dont know him. They onlything they know is that his name is Sasuke Uchiha. The last of the Uchiha clan. Well, the last known surviving Uchiha. Since, well his older brother kinda killed the whole clan ehe. Sasuke went to the register to order one of his favorite drinks.

"One large hot black americano" Sasuke told the cashier while hiding his face.

"Ight for Sasuke right?'' the cashier asked. The emo boy nodded. Sasuke went ahead to sit in the corner of the shop which is of course his fav spot. While waiting for his black and souless coffe to be mand, hes eyes decided to wander off to the cashier who toom his order. That said cashier is the one and only Naruto Uzumaki. Naruto was the same age as Sasgay ecept that he was very bight. He has blond spikey hair and a very bibly goofy personaloty. He always has a smile no matter what. Its always a genuine sweet smile. His eyes are the bluer than clear skies. Sasuke wouldnt dare talk to him tho. Even though they used to be best friends back in grade school. He tends to blush and hide himself whenever hell tell him his order. 

"Hey hinata! The usual?" Naruto asks the shy girl with long purple hair.

"yyes Naruto kun" she blushed into a deep vermilion color. Sasuke low key kinda hates her. I mean he only spoked to her like once and that was in burittos anime. Who the hell is Burrito? And how come you are talking about my whereabouts and what is happing at this very moment?!? Shush Sasuke I don't exist I'm just a figmint of your I m a g I n aaaaaaa t I o n. Aaaaaaaaaaanywaaaaaays. Sasuke got up from his emo thro- I mean seat to go get his very emo and souless hot coffee. He's about to take a sip of his drink when someone suddenly appeared in front of his emotionless face.

"Heeyy SASUKE 😍😍!! It's Been awhile right?" An anoying girl with pink short hair practically said in a shouty flirty manner. She began twirling her hair while waiting for a response from the emo edge lord of Naruti land.

" Get lost Sakura. There's a reason why I tend to avoid people ya know!" 

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto used to be really good buddies back in grade school. They been thru everything together then Sasgay decided to leave the village because he wanted to serve the goth snake that needs to give me his skin care routine Orochimaru. Ever since Sasuke has been a shut in and only goes to the coffee shop. LOrd knows how the holy hell he gets the fuckin money to even buy the drinks and food they sell there. Heck, he might have an only fans and he gets his money off of that. I mean every one is now simping for emo guys again even tho it's not 2006 myspace era anymore. Those damn til tokers. Anyway, Sasuke wanted Sakura to leave and just not speak to him. 

"Bb ute Sasuke youre not looking so we'll. Are you okay?"

IM NOT OOOOOOKKAAAAAAYYY is what Sasuke wanted to say since the coffee shop just happendly to playing Im not okay(I promise) by the one and only My Chemicak Romance during this conversation. "I'm f i n e. Just leave me alone k" 🌸 sighed and proceeded to go oder her drink. Sasuke was finally now at peace. 

Right when he was starting to relax, a strange customer began to walk in in an angerly manner. A man Karen is was Sasuke would describe him as. The emo decided to the leave the shop because he didn't want to heefe the Karen bullshit and proceeded to go to the library because it was nice and quiet there. He finished his drink right before he got there. Once he got inside he decided to read the manga Tirgun because some of I decided to read Trigun crack fics n public with voice acting ND all to my friends and of course the public and Sasuke just got really interested in the emo edge lord legato character. 


Sasuke had to leave the library because it was closinging time. He proceded to walk in the direction of Ichiiraku kohi shop because he had coffee on the braine. While o his walk, he kept thinking about the trigun manga and decided that he kins Legato in some sort of way. Prolly cu hes alo some emo dude that haooens to kill people ya know. He walked in the coffee shop and decided that he would some sort of sweet iced coffefeeee. He went up to the cashier that happen to not be Naruto, ordered his drink and then proceded to sit in his special lil emo spot. It is the darkest part of the cafe after all ya know. 

"Hey Im off now. Hope yall have a nice rest of your day dattebayo! :))" Naruto yelled out as he left the coffee shop. His shift was over but Naruto didnt really feel happy. Damn if only I caould have talked to sasuke, maybe just maybe we can become friends again, the orphaned teen thought to himself. He shook off the sadness and proceded to walk to his car. Sasuke got his drink and proceded to leave the shop. Somehow he got the courage to speak to Naruto again that id not in some coffee ordering way. Naruto saw the emo lad from the conner of hid eye. 

"H-hey Sasuke. How ya been? its been awhile since we actually talked ya know. Besides you ordering coffee ehehe." Naruto nervously spoke. The emo blushed at the blond boy's worss and procceded to respond stumbling in his words.

"H-hi. Its r-really been awhile huh. You havent really changed from your dorky loser self huh?" Sasuke really wanted to say Hey, I really missed you. Whenever I see you you tend to make my days better even if you can get a bit anoying but i enjoyed thay. Can we be buddies agin? But of course he couldnt really say that cuz hes an awkward lad and didnt want Naruto to think of him weirdly and shit.

"Wanna hang out with me on Saturday? I have a day off and I kinda want to rekindle our friendship ya know?" Naruto asked with shit ton of nerves.

"Y-Y-yeah sounds like fun." 

Naruto waved good bye to sasuk and proceded to get into his car. Sasuke left to his old home in the Uchiha clan area. Finally!! I cna now hang out with Naruto again. just like olds times. I hope i can be his friend again. Then a random ass car on the other side of the shop area, statrted blasting YOU ARE MY FRIEEEEEND AAAAAAaaaaah which is obv the second opening of Naruto shippuden hehe kinda fits huh.

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