Chapter 6

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I was awoken by the sound of beeping machines, the smell of latex gloves and hand sanitizer filled my nose.

"Hmm?", I grumbled.

"SHE'S AWAKE!",shouted a familiar irish accent....Niall.

"KENZIE?!", A female voice yelped....Eleanor.

"Move out the way!", said a voice that I've never heard before. My eyelids fluttered open, it was a man dressed in white scrubs, I quickly recognized him as a doctor.

"W-whats g-going on?", I questioned.

Daddy approached me,"Kenzie, love, the amount of alcohol in your fragile tiny body gave you a bit of a whiplash. You collapsed, we were frightened, all of us", Louis informed me.

Harry stepped forward,"I'm sorry, Kenzieboo, I didn't know this would happen, it's all my fault", he confessed.

"I-it's okay, Harrybear",I gave a supporting smile,"I shouldn't have drank it in the first place!", I chuckled.


"Mackenzie, you have a doctor's appointment today, love", Zayn said not taking his eyes of his phone screen.

"WHAT? But I don't like doctors. Bleh", I bursted out.

El walked into the room,"Well, you're going, now get dressed, babe".

"BLEH", I groaned and ran to my room, quickly undressing and putting on any random item of clothing.

-------------------------(after the doctors app.)------------------------------


"You can't be serious", I remarked, still taking in the tragic news.

"I'm sorry, Mr Tomlinson, it's true", the doctor replied in a stern voice.

I felt my eyes watering and a sick feeling in my stomach,"N-no, can't we do anything? Anything at all, doctor?", My voice cracked.

"I'm afraid not", the doctor remarked, showing no trail of emotion.

"Bastard", I mutterd under my breath and walked away, my fists clenched tightly.

Entering the waiting room where the boys, well, waited of course, I felt their eyes burning on me.

Harry walked up to me,"Lou, are you crying, mate?", his voice said in a worried tone,"What happened? Is Kenzie alright?".

"J-just normal doctor check-up, ran some blood tests, found out s-she h-has-", I was cut off by a loud cry of emotional pain, soon realizing it was my own.

Niall hurried over to me,"Found out what? Louis, you alright?", he asked.

Even Zayn look worried, finally looking up from his phone,"What's happening?".

Harry gasped,"He didnt say 'Vas Happenin', this must be serious Zayn mood".

I stuttered, the huge knot forming in my stomach,"S-she has cancer, a-and its too late to treat i-it".


"It's not your fault, Haz, she's had it for awhile, only now it's become serious, and no, Harry, she isn't dead.....for now", I gulped, those last 2 words leaving my throat dry, thoughts rambling through my head.

"N-no, m-my Kenzieboo is gonna die?", Niall's voice cracked.

"STOP", Liam intruded the conversation,"Let's all stop focusing on the bad things, we have to make these last few days, weeks, months or however she has long to live, count, every second of it".

"He's right, mates", I finally said.

Niall's face was red, tears streaming down,"I don't want her to die, lads".

Tears ran down my cheeks,"M-me neither, Ni".

Harry looked down, I could tell this was killing him, he loves Mackenzie more than anything, she means the world to him, I could tell he was thinking that.

"Is this what it feels like to have you're world come crashing down on you?", he whispered to himself, yet loud enough that I could hear.

Yes. Yes, Harry, I guess it is what it feels like...



I was gathered into the kitchen, the boys had news to tell me, by the looks of their faces I could tell it was rather urgent.

Deep breaths, I told myself, Prepare for what they'll tell you.

"M-mackenzie", El's voice cracked,"Babygirl, I honestly can't find an easy way to say this, I don't even want to say this,"She took a deep breath, wiping some fallen tears from her cheeks,"B-but, I'll have to say it anyways, You were d-diagnosed with....cancer", She said and looked away sobbing.



What the h-e double hockey sticks!?

My stomach dropped, it seems as if I was riding a rollercoaster, my heart racing, sweat dripping from the anxiety and rush, yet no fun.

"W-what?", was all I managed to say.

"Mhm",El sobbed out,"Y-Yeah...."



How could this be happening?

Out of all people, why her?

She hadn't done anything wrong......why?

I put my head in my hands and whispered quietly to myself,"It all gets better in the end".

Right? Doesn't it?


AN: I havent updated in a looooooooooooooooooong time, so my writing sucks at the moment xP

Erm, comment/vote/follow.....on wattpad, not like in real life, you stalkers(; jk

Bye(: And i'll try and update more soon! Sorry! xx

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