Chapter 7

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I sat in the corner of my room crying.

Knock, Knock. I heard a loud tap on the door.

"W-Who i-is i-it?", I sniffled.

"It's Uncle Haz", I heard a quiet low voice say.

"C-Come in", I muttered wiping away a tear from my cheek.

The door creaked open, in came Uncle Harry.

He ran over toward me and picked me up taking me to my bed as he sat me down onto his laps.

"Mackenzie", he looked right at me, hugging me tightly,"You're a strong, strong, beautiful girl, always remember that", His voice cracking on the last word.

"No", I said shaking my head,"I'm not strong, I'm weak, Im going to die,"I cried out,"Beautiful? As if. I'm a freak and I'm going to die a bald freak."

Harry's eyes were full of emotion, tears silently flowing down the cheeks,"No, Kenzie, please, don't say that, You are not a freak, we love you, I love you", he comforted me.

"Yeah? Well not alot of other people love me", I said, showing him my twitter messages.

His eyes widened, his jaw dropped,"What kind of directioners are these!? Sending hate to you!", He exclaimed in worry. He scrolled down the page, reading messages such as:

@1DforLifee_ : Just heard that 1Ds daughter is gonna die, lol maybe they'll adopt me and not that dying bitch! haha

@NialzGurl1D : Lol, who else heard mackenzie tomlinson's gonna die?? Now the boys can stop focusin on herr and on meeeee lmfao! aha.


Harry threw the phone across the room and put his hands on my shoulder,"These are selfish girls who wrote that, selfish evil cold hearted girls who are just jealous because they know they can't compete with you, believe me when I say that".

"Whatever", I muttered.

"Mackenzie.....please...", Harry said, his tone of voice worried.

My voice cracked,"Uncle one loves the freak girl", I said and ran out into the room.

Running. Running. All the way to the bathroom, I quickly got in and locked the door.

I sat myself ont he floor and bawled hot tears."W-Why?", I whispered,"WHY ME!?", I said a little louder.

I hate myself. Everything about myself. I'm not perfect. Perfect girls dont have cancer.

I saw a razor sitting on the bathroom counter.....only one thing left to do....


I saw her run into the bathroom, I panicked as I heard the door lock.

"LOUIS! LOU!", I yelled,running my hands throw my curly locks.

I heard feet shuffle and Louis appeared,"Haz? Mate, whats wrong?", He worried.

"M-Mackenzie....bathroom....locked herself...", I tried to explain.

Louis caught on,"WHY!?", he grabbed my hand and ran to the bathroom yelling,"NIALL, GET EL ON THE PHONE, NOW".

I heard Nialler's voice,"Alright, Will do right now, Lou!".

Louis knocked on the bathroom door,"MACKENZIE? MACKENZIE, LOVE, OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!", He whimpered.

It broke my heart, to be honest, seeing Lou go into frantics, seeing Mackenzie depressed.

It all fell silent til we heard a soft voice,"This is what you get for being ugly", Mackenzie's voice muttered as we heard a whimper of pain following.

I heard a sound of liquid, not any liquid....blood.

"And this is what you get for not being the perfect daughter...", A whimper soonly following that.

Louis banged on the door,", please. PLEASE STOP", He whimpered.

"I-Im sorry, daddy....", We heard a thud onto the floor, a voice quietly whispering,"I'm not p-perfect..."

Louis whisperes quietly,"You are perfect. YOU ARE, I LOVE YOU, MACKENZIE, PLEASE".

Lousi violently hit the door,"Haz, help me open it! Isnt there a damn key!?", He frantically worried.

I helped hit the door,"I'm trying! Key got lost last year, Lou", I replied.

Zayn ran toward us,"Whats going on?".

"Zayn! Help us open the door!", Lou screeched.

With one hard thud at the door it bursted open.

Zayn leaped back cradling his hand,"Shit! That hurt, but at least I got it open!", He said.

My eyes widened at he scene displayed before me.

"N-No....", was all I could manage to say.

Louis rushed towards Mackenzie's pale body and picked her up,"N-No, baby please...".

With all the commotion, Liam rushed upstairs,"Whats goin- OH MY GOSH!", He yelled.

"Li, call 911, quick! Get an ambulance! Hurry!", I yelled.

"On it", Liam said and rushed downstairs.

Louis POV.

No baby. Please, no.

Live....Live for daddy.

I cried into Kenzie's shoulder as we awaited for the ambulance to come,"Stay with dady, stay with daddy and mummy and uncle li, nial, haz, and zayn....please, princss", I whispered.



AN: So sorry 4 the late updates! I have writers block! Sorry if it sucks:(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2013 ⏰

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