The Escape

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As a young girl, though she was nearly a teenager, ran from the palace, she tripped and fell onto the ground.

A boy pulled her up and said, "Come on. You need to go, Princess!"

Anastasia glanced at him. "Thank you-"

The boy nodded. "Dmitry. Now go!"

Anastasia continued running from the palace. She glanced back at Dmitry to see him trying to block the guards from getting her. When one got close, Dmitry hit the guard and darted back before he could get hurt.

Unfortunately, she wasn't looking where she was going and ended up traveling through what seemed to be a wormhole of sorts. At least, that was her guess. Or maybe it was a portal. She wasn't sure which.

She screamed and hit the ground with a thud.

The blonde looked around the new land and frowned. "Where am I? Who am I?"

She heard a girl scream as she rode on a horse clearly out of control and stood before going to investigate.

A woman talked with the girl for a moment.

The girl noticed the blonde and said, "I've not seen you around before. What's your name?"

Her brow furrowed and her nose scrunched in thought before she said, "My name is Anya."

The girl smiled. "Pleasure to meet you, Anya. I'm Snow White. Come. I'll take you back to my castle."

"Your castle?"

"Yes. I'm a princess."

Anya nodded slowly and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I could never repay you."

"Nor should you. My mother always tells me to be kind. Don't tell her I told you, but I'm still learning."

"Being kind isn't always a natural thing. Like all virtues, it takes practice."

Snow White smiled. "You're very wise, Anya. I have a feeling well be great friends."

"I certainly hope so. I could use a friend." She heard the sound of gunshots and quickly turned, but saw nothing.

"Anya? Are you okay?"

Anya nodded slowly. "Yes. I thought I heard something. It doesn't matter."

Snow White stared at her a moment. "Okay. If you're sure."

"I am."

The girls walked back to the castle. Snow White asked a multitude of questions about Anya's past which couldn't be answered because Anya remembered little to nothing before she landed in what Snow White had told her was the Enchanted Forest.

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