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Prince Charming was riding through the land on a steed. He came upon the Forest, and Snow White, in her glass coffin, surrounded by the Seven Dwarves.

"You're too late," Doc said.

"No," Prince Charming argued. "No! Open it."

"I'm sorry, she's gone," Grumpy told him.

"At least let me say goodbye," Prince Charming said and the dwarves removed the coffin lid. Prince Charming kissed Snow White, and a burst magic of erupted.

Snow White awoke with a gasp and said, "You... you found me."

"Did you ever doubt I would?"

"Truthfully? The glass coffin gave me pause."

"Well, you never have to worry, I will always find you."

"Do you promise?"


"I do," Prince Charming said.

"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?" the Bishop asked.

"I do," Snow White replied.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The audience cheered and as the newlyweds kissed, the Evil Queen entered. The cheering stopped.

"Sorry I'm late," the Evil Queen said as she crossed the room, dispelling guards with magic.

Anya's eyes widened and she grabbed a sword from nearby and nearly dropped it from the weight. She pointed it at the Evil Queen. "I've met tyrants like you before. You're not ruining this wedding."

"It's the Queen! Run!" Doc yelled.

Snow White drew Prince Charming's sword and pointed it at the Queen. "She's not a queen anymore! She's nothing more than an evil witch!"

"No no no, don't stoop to her level, there's no need," Prince Charming told her as he lowered the sword. "Anya, no need for yours either. You're wasting your time, you've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding."

"Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything," the Evil Queen answered. "On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift."

"We want nothing from you," Snow White retorted.

"But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do." She turned and walked towards the door.

"Hey!" Prince Charming yelled. The Queen turned, and Prince Charming threw his sword at her. She disappeared in a cloud of smoke, as did the sword. Snow White and Prince Charming held each other.

Anya looked at where the Queen had disappeared with a worried expression.


Henry started reading a book given to him. He had it open to the story of Snow White and Prince Charming.

"That a good book?" a woman asked, looking back at Henry.

"This?" Henry questioned. "It's more than just a book."


Before he could say anything, there was an announcement. "Boston, South Station. Thank you for riding Greyhound."

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