August was sleeping in his bed at the inn and woke up to find his leg shaking uncontrollably. He attempted to grab his leg, but fell stiffly out of the bed.

He hobbled to the phone and dialed a number. "Hey, you there? Good. This is taking too long. We need to accelerate the plan."


August, Dmitry and Henry were lurking across the street from Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.

"It's almost nine," August said. "You all set? You know what to do?"

Henry nodded as he said, "Operation Cobra is always ready. I just..."

"You just what?"

"I don't understand what this has to do with getting Emma to believe."

"Sometimes, other priorities assert themselves. Can you two handle a little improvisation?"

Henry nodded. "Yeah. Can you?"

"We're a go."

Henry ran across the street and entered the shop, followed by Dmitry.

"Hey, Mr. Gold," Henry greeted.

"Good morning," Mr. Gold replied. "What can I do for you?"

"I want to get a gift for Miss Blanchard."

"Oh, I see."

"Since, she didn't kill that woman."

"Good thinking."

"Are these bells?" Henry asked, pointing.

"See anything you fancy?" Mr. Gold asked.

He continued discussing bell purchasing with Mr. Gold while Dmitry looked around.

August searched through Mr. Gold's office out back and was caught snooping.

"May I help you?" Mr. Gold questioned.

August nodded. "Yeah. I'm looking for some maps. I'm a bit of a collector."

"Yes. Well, there's maps through in the shop. This is my office."

"I thought this was the entrance."

"It's not. The shop's through there."


Kathryn was awake and was being assessed by Dr. Whale. Emma and Derek entered.

"Emma," Dr. Whale greeted. "Come on in. Look who's awake."

Emma smiled briefly. "Kathryn, hi. Listen, I don't want to take a lot of your time. But, do you remember what happened?"

"I don't know much," Kathryn replied. "Um, I was in a car accident, and... I remember the airbag going of. And the next thing I knew, I was in the dark, in some basement. I didn't see anyone, but there was food and water. And then, I guess I was drugged."

Dr. Whale nodded. "Yeah. We're still trying to flush that out of your system."

"And then, I woke up in a field at the edge of town, and I started walking. That was it."

"You saw no one?" Emma asked. "You didn't hear a voice? Smell perfume? Cologne? Anything?"

"Nothing, no. I'm sorry. I wish I could help. Especially since... While I was gone, you thought I was dead?"

"Your DNA matched the heart we found," Derek told her.

"They're grilling everybody down at the hospital lab to see who doctored the DNA results."

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