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FEB 26TH, 2022 | 6:37 AM

     a few days had passed since the awful ordeal that plagued felix's heart and mind. the more he dwelled on it, the more frequently he'd throw up flower petals —they weren't anything new...yet. "come on, lix, get out of bed! our manager and bang pd have already said it was alright for you to come and hang out at the company building while we practice for our new comeback," kai spoke excitedly, as he gently tugs felix up off the bed into a sitting position, "if you want, we can even go shopping after, not complaining as i have more than enough clothes for you to wear, but i thought you'd appreciate some of your own clothes."

"no, let me wallow in misery," felix grumbles as he plops back down and snuggles into the covers.

"no can do! the one thing that the asshole is not going to take away from you, is your spirit! now come on, you get exclusive front-row seats to listen to our upcoming title track! you can even bring my favorite molang plushie with you."

felix's ears perk up at that. "the giant one?"

"yes, baby, the giant one."

felix doesn't miss the way kai nonchalantly called him baby. whenever he was called "baby" by the other txt members he took it as an endearing way, but whenever the youngest used it, it felt...right. "can i wear your clothes then?"

kai chuckles. "hyung, you've been wearing my clothes this whole week, you don't need to ask me. i have a whole closet for you to choose from, i wouldn't be surprised if you find newly bought ones that i forgot about."

felix sighs and sits up in bed, rubbing his face to get rid of his tiredness. the boys were more than thoughtful to take off a few days to take care of him while he got better but there were only so many days they could take off from being idols. kai hands him a clean towel as he gets off the bed, exiting their temporary shared room (felix's bed frame didn't have a mattress yet) to get ready for the day.

the car ride wasn't short but it wasn't long. it was still very early in the morning and although felix adorned his face with makeup and got ready with the utmost effort, his body and mind were still very tired. his head laid against kai's shoulder as dawn lit up the city's sky, the view was beautiful from inside the car. kai's molang plushie was tucked safely in between felix's arms, almost misshaped from the death grip that he had on it.

"lixie, we're here." kai softly spoke, alerting felix from his half-asleep state.

felix gets up from kai's shoulder and looks out the window and sees a huge building coming into view. He had only seen the hybe building in videos and pictures online but to see it in person was a different feeling, it just screamed money. "wow, the new building is bigger than jype."

"yep and we're still in the process of getting used to the building. i remember when taehyun and i struggled to get past the facial scanner —i've never wanted to fight a piece of technology so much." kai chuckles at the memory of his first stepping into the new building.

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