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"Hey, Be-Benny. W-ait up!" I say out of breath, running to catch up with him.

"Oh hey Y/N, what's up?" He says stopping and half turning around to look at me.

"I ne-heh. One moment." I say holding a finger up, slumping over once I reach him, catching my breath. "Heh, hmm. OK, I'm good. I need your help." I stand up straight playing with my bag strap.

"Oh, you need some powerful wizard spells and amazing ninja skills?" He says with a big smile, holding out his hands ready to karate chop.

"Uh, no. I need help with the math homework, you know, calculus." I say using my free hand for emphasis.

"Oh. Um, yeah I can help. Come over to my house tonight, I'll tutor you." He tilts his head with a soft smile, obviously sad that he couldn't use his powers.

*ding, ding, ding*

"I, uh gotta go. See ya Y/N!" He says jogging off.

"Bye, Benny." I say walking off to my next class.


I knock on Benny's door, clutching my bag strap.

"Oh, hello Y/N, Benny said you'd be by. Come on in." Evelyn, Benny's grandma says opening the door for me.

"Benny, Y/N's here." She yells upstairs.

"Coming!" Benny yells back.

"I was just about to head out, so it'll be just the two of you." She says turning towards me, winking as she picks up her coat.

I blush slightly, about to reply when I heard a cough at the top of the stairs. I look up at Benny as he walks down the stairs.

"Hey Y/N!" He says with a wave.

"Hey!" I wave back.

"Well, I'll be off. Have fun studying." Evelyn says walking out the door.

"So.." I say as we stand at the entrance.

"Yeah, uh. Do you have your books?" Benny asks and I just nod gesturing to my bag.

He walks into his lounge room as I follow him. We sit down on his couch as I unzip my bag.

"I, um, well I think I have an ok grasp of calculus but I just want to make sure I understand it completely before the test. So really, I could be wasting your time, sorry." I say grabbing my books and placing them on the coffee table.

"No that's fair, at least I don't have to teach you the basics... Not that I think you would need that, you're pretty smart." He looks down rubbing his neck.

I nod to show I'm not offended. I look down at my notes sighing. "Alright let's get to work!" I say.

(Time skips because it's midnight and I've been out of school far too long to remember exactly what calculus is.)

"Urgh, Alright I think I've got it. I'm as ready as I'll ever be for this test. No more studying, please!" I say leaning back on the couch. I sigh looking up at the roof.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad. You knew a lot of stuff. I mean you even corrected my work that one time!" Benny laughs leaning back.

"You misspelled your own name, ya dingus!" I chuckle. I turn to look at him, he has a big natural smile on his face.

I take a deep breath. "B-Benny, I actually didn't come over to study." I say quietly, looking down.

"Wha? W-what do you mean?" He says, his face dropping.

"I kinda just wanted to hang out. I mean I did need to study but I was just using it as an excuse. We've never hung out, just the two of us. It's so hard to get you and Ethan apart. I'm honestly surprised you didn't invite him tonight. But I'm glad you didn't." The more I spoke the more confidence I got. I look back up at him once I was finished.

He sat there, looking like a confused puppy. My confidence wavers.

"Uh, um, I'm sorry, I'll leave." I say grabbing my stuff and I walk towards the door without looking at him.

I could feel the seconds pass with every step.

"Y/N wait." He states catching up to me, grabbing my hand and turning me around.

I accidentally drop my books. I look down at them, then at my hand in his. I look up at him, seeing the determined look in his eyes.

"Y/N you could have just asked to hang out and explain that you just wanted it to be the two of us. I got excited when you said you needed my help. I didn't want anyone to one-up me, so I didn't invite them. Plus I wanted to hang out with you alone too. Please don't leave just yet." He says staring into my eyes.

I gulp and nod, blushing, keeping eye contact.

"Great, we could watch a movie or something." He says smiling, he lets go of my hand, bending down to pick up my books. "Here let's put these in your bag." He says grabbing my hand with his free one, pulling me back into the lounge room.

I sit on the couch taking the books and placing them in my bag. I look up and watch him grab the TV remote and sit down. I just watch his face as he turns on the TV.

"So, what do you want to watch?" He says turning to look at me.

"Huh, wha? Oh um, anything. Just whatever you want!" I say turning around blushing.

"Ok, well you could continue to stare at me all night but I think I'll watch some Dr. When." He says smirking.

I jump to turn and look at him. "I W-wasn't staring at you! I was just, ah, thinking about stuff." I huff, crossing my arms and I turn to look at the tv.

"Uh-huh, sure thing hunny!" He says scooting closer to me, putting his arm over my shoulders.

I blush and smile softly. 'I'm sitting next to Benny, with his arm around me. He called me hunny... Wait, he called me hunny?' I lean forward and turn to look at him.

"What's up?" He asks.

"You called me.... what... um? What am I to you? I mean now, it's kinda in limbo or um." I ramble awkwardly.

"Uh, well you like me, don't you? Right? And I definitely like you. So I called you hunny cos I thought it was cute, I thought you were acting kinda cute." He says slowly grabbing my hand in one hand and my face in the other.

"I, uh!" I stammer, blushing.

"Shh, so I guess, Y/N, do you want to go out? Like on an actual date, no need for an excuse to hang out alone." He asks looking into my eyes.

I blush harder and nod. "Uh, y-yes"

"Good!" He says smiling and slowly leaning in.

We close our eyes as our lips meet. We softly kiss before pulling away. We're both blushing while we look Into each other's eyes.

"I've waited so long to do that!" He says breathlessly.

"Was it as good as you hoped?" I ask.

"Better!" He whispers leaning in for another kiss.

"Weirdo!" I whisper back completing the kiss.


Wow, I just wrote that randomly because I realized I haven't written a Benny oneshot yet. I hope it's good.

I love Benny so much but as I've grown I've fallen for more of Atticus' other characters.

I mean I'm an actual adult now (I'm 22, I can't believe it) and Benny is very childish so it just feels a bit weird.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, I'll try to write more, but no promises.


Drew X

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