Daniëlle van de Donk

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Daniëlle POV.
My 17 year old sister, a typical Teenager. Lives with me in Lyon because of her behavior. She still behaves like a junky. So I don't know what to do, but I go talk with her. "Lola come here please." I call trough mine appartement. "No." "Yes you come here right now!" "Who do you think that you are?" "Lola stop behaving like this please. I miss my little sister, that will cuddle with me, tell story's to me." "Ok." "You're stoned and drunk." "Not." "Look in my eyes NOW." I say mad. She still looks away. "Okay I go call mom that they can pick you up this afternoon I am done with you. And don't think to message me ever again if I can do something for you!" I say and walk to my room where I start crying really hard. I call my mom.

D; "Mom I can not have Lola here anymore, it start having effects on my football."
M; "What did she do?"
D; "What not? Sneaking away from home, drinking, coming home drunk, smoking sigaret, smoking weed and stealing my money out of my purse. And this is not even everything."
M; "I go call your dad and then we will come!"
D; "Thanks mom."

I walk to Lola her room. "Lo go pick all your things now mom and dad are on their way!" I say walking in her room. Where I see things that I don't want to see. A boy and Lola in bed. "LOLA VAN DE DONK WHAT IS THIS?" "What you also did." "I did it first when I was 19, he can leave my house now!" "It is my house to." "No it's not! You go pick al yours things now! And wait until mom and dad are here!" The boy leaves the house and Lola walks to me. "Daan can I please stay with you?" She begs. "No you can not. Your behavior is affecting my football! And I already gave you multiple chances!" "Daan please." "No go pick your things I am by Damaris." My team mate Damaris is my neighbor.

I ring the doorbell and she directly opens the door I start crying. "Come inside Daan." She said while hugging me. We walk inside and go sit on the couch. "Lola is stoned and drunk. And she fucked a boy in her room." I burst out in crying again. She cuddles me. "Did you call your mom?" "Yes of course I did. And they come to pick her up. It starts effecting my football. She wakes me almost every night up drunk and stoned. Steals my money and so much more." "Do you want me to come with you to your appartement until your parents are here?" "Yes please." She picks her things and then we leave. "Put that cigaret away now! Your SEVENTEEN SEVENTEEN." "Daan calm down. Lola throw that away now." "Who do you think that you are?" "Lola cigarettes here and to your room now!" I say stern. She gives them and I throw them directly in the container. And start crying again. Damaris start cuddling me again. "Do you want some water?" "Yes please." She stands up to the kitchen and I hear yelling. So I walk there. "Lola van de Donk, I said room not kitchen." "Okay I don't care." "Lola now." "No." "Lola I am serious!" She stays in the kitchen but I really don't have energy for it. "Lola do I need to help you?" I say doing one last try. "Just let me." "No I go call mom again." I call my mom and she is so angry at Lola.

It is 9 PM and my parents are finally here. They are taking it really hard on Lola, but I think they have every right to be. They all sleep here tonight one last night that my little one is here. At 11 pm everyone goes to bed. To my surprise even Lola was the whole evening with us. When I almost fall asleep I hear my door. "Yes." I say sleepy. "Daan can I sleep with you." Lola says crying. "Yes only if you are clear of everything." "Yes I am." She comes laying in bed with me and lay directly her head on my chest. "I am sorry sis." "Ok." "Are you that mad?" "Yes you maybe don't know anymore what you do and say when you're drunk or something else. But I do and it hurts really bad!" "Sorry you have every right to be mad. I while go to my old room." "No stay." She cuddles in me. I am so happy that she is clear, she is so different now.

It is the next morning and I feel someone move in my arms. I open my eyes and see Lola crying. "Ssst baby, it is ok. At home you gonna work at it with mom and dad. And I will visit you so much if I can. You also can call me always. But one promise, I will that you only call me when you are clean. Got me?" She nods and cuddles in my chest. I took a selfie of us. At 10.30 am mom come in my room. "Girls you need to wake up." "We are already awake." I say. "Okay come, dad is to the bakery." "No." Lola says sleepy. "Well come." "But cuddles?" "wow what a clingy teen sister I have." She ignored me. "Okay out of bed you can have cuddles." I don't know what is up with her but I don't know her like this. She sighed but goes out of bed. We both get dressed and after I go sit down on by my mom. "LO DAD IS HERE." She comes to the living room with tears she directly sit doen on my lap. "Lola pick your own chair." Dad says. "No dad let her." I say he nods and walk to my kitchen. We eat breakfast and after it is time to say goodbye to each other. I have tears in my eyes. Yes it is better but I will still miss my little sis. Lola is crying in my arms. "Love you Lo see you soon!" I say when the auto drives away. I start crying really hard until I feel arms around me, I look and it is my bestie Damaris. ~

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