Alexia Putellas 2.

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Alexia POV.
I am so sorry for Isabel that her mother kicked her at house and did block her on everything. It happened already 1 month ago and she still cries every single day. On the other hand we get really close and she literally don't want to leave my side. She even sleeps in my bed, but there still didn't happen more then kissing. And that we are "official" for ourselves since 2 weeks. Our teammates are thinking that there did happen something, but we don't want to tell them so we say that there didn't happend anything. The girls are making a lot of jokes about that, also on this moment. "Girls stop this! You see that Isa don't think it is funny anymore. And I say this as your captain!" I say stern, everyone stops that minute. "Alex shall we go home." Isa whispered in my ear. "Yes! Girls I expect you all to go to sleep early tonight because tomorrow game day! We need that win! See you all tomorrow!" We go to our house where we directly lay down at the couch with Nala. "Isa I go ride some in the car and walk with Nala. Are you ok with that?" "Yes of course, it's cute how you ask for my permission." She smiles.

I am not going to ride around in my car, but I go to Isabel her old house, because Isabel is still missing some of her stuff. It is not a long ride there. I ring the bell and a women around the 50 opens the door. "Hi who are you?" "Hello, I am Alexia and I am here to pick Isabel her stuff up that you didn't gave her when you put her stuff outside! Do you know how ridiculous it is to make your daughter that's 20 years old homeless." The last part I yell I couldn't hold myself anymore. "O-ok." Her mother says scared. She picks a box that was standing right behind her and give it to me. "I think this is not everything! Where is her teddy bear that is 3,28 feet (1 meter)" "okayyyy." "I hope you like your life without your daughter! She is still hurt and you will never get her back!" At that point the woman slams the door shut. I pick everything and walk to my car and go walk some with Nala first because all the anger that I still feel. After a walk of 20 minutes I go home.

"Babe I am home." "Living room." She shouts back. I walk there with all Isa her stuff." "Isa I have a surprise for you!" She looks and see her teddy bear." She directly starts crying. "Did you for real?" She cries I nod. "Come here my girl." She hugs me and I hug her back and give her a kiss. "But why?" "Because you deserve all your stuff! And you teddy bear, but one thing you need to promise me, I will still get cuddles." "Yes you get them." She smiles cute, I kiss her nose. We cuddle on the couch until our doorbell rings. "I don't want to look." I sigh. "Babe you need to have a look your the captain maybe it is one of the girls." "They can call me I want to stay in your arms." She chuckles and let me. Not much later my phone goes off. "Yes." I say picking up my phone without looking. "It is me Lieke, I come to say sorry to Isabel." "Ok give me a second." I put my phone on mute. "It is Lieke she wants to say sorry to you." "I will open the door." She says I give her quickly a kiss and then she goes open the door. We drink some coffee and after Lieke goes home. Me and Isabel leave to our bedroom where we cuddle some and more😏🤫

It is 9 o'clock and my alarm goes off. "Babe wake up." "I am tired and I feel all my muscles." "Same for me baby girl but we have a game to play." "This was my first time." She says putting her face in my chest. "Ahhh your so cute, you was good." I say kissing her head. "I can't walk." She moans when we go out of bed. "Take a shower I am sure that you feel better after." She cries. "Come here baby girl." I walk to her and pick her up. "Let's make a bath for you. I will make you some breakfast in bath." "Thanks babe." Isabel goes in bath and I go make some breakfast. I am also really tired and feel my muscles but this wasn't my first time.

Exactly now I got a call from our coach. "Why are you late? And didn't you and Isabel fill in the health form." "Huh we need to be at the club at 12." "Alexia look to the clock." "Fuck." "You and Isabel both sit at the bench. And only if we really need you, you get in! See you in 30." I can cry, I am the captain and did say yesterday that they need to sleep early. I need to be there for the team. "Babe you need to come out of bath, we slept through our alarm. It is already 12.15." I say walking in the bathroom. "We both don't play until there is a emergency that they need us." She starts crying. "Come we have to change and eat breakfast in the car." I say kissing her head. "I don't want to." She cries. "I got that baby but we have to and coach want to speak to us in 25 minutes." We quickly change and go in the car. I drive with one hand on Isabel her thigh. At a traffic light I quickly give her a kiss. "Everything will be okay!" She nods. "But the girls are going to say things for sure." "I will deal with them, I am still their captain."

After we did talk with a mad coach we go to the dressing room. "Girls I expect you all to go to sleep early tonight because tomorrow game day! We need that win! See you all tomorrow!" I hear some girls whisper. "I am still not deaf! And I know that each of you had the same. But we didn't go out, we just slept through our alarm." "Now Isabel don't look like she did sleep much and also don't seem fit." Leila says. Isabel looks to me and I see tears in her eyes, she runs away. I run after her. "Babe come here." She turns around and put her head in my chest. "Hey don't listen to what they said. Every single one had come one game to late because or they did drink to much, or they had sex, or had something else. So they don't have any right!" I kiss her lips. "Okay wow." I hear Lieke. "You are really a thing?" "Yes." She give both of us a hug. "Sorry for their behavior, we all did something like this before. But they are irritated because you Lex did say that we need enough sleep." "I got that but it isn't the first time they did something like this to Isabel." "I know, I did already said something to them." Isabel is still crying in my chest. "Come babe." She shakes her head. "Do I need to carry you again?" "Again?" Lieke laughs. "Alex fucked me so hard that my muscles hurt so much that I had to much pain to walk." Isabel says embarrassed. "Okayyyy to much information. But next time on a other day." We go back to the dressing room and our physical coach Sarah says that Isabel is not fit enough so don't may sit on the bench. I was pissed at the staff and that gets out the hand so I am also not allowed to sit on the bench. "Babe come here, after the game we go talk with the girls and with coach." Isabel says. "I am done with Sarah." I say still mad. "Babe I know you are, but we go change and sit on the grandstand."

The game did finish and we are back in the dressing room. "Okay girls! I want to say sorry that I was to late and also that I fell out to the staff. I feel bad that I couldn't help you get this win! But you all did it! We have the 3 points in our hands! One more game to win and we are the champions!" "Also sorry from me! I must have been smart and get enough sleep!" Isabel says I look in her eyes and we nod both at the same time. "And we have a relationship so that is done now." They all are happy and celebrating. ~

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