Leah Williamson

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Leah POV.
Today is the day that I will introduce my girlfriend y/n to my family. What is a little bit scary, is that y/n is my little sister's English teacher. And from Ivy's stories she doesn't like her English teacher. "Babe, we have to go!" I scream upstairs, as y/n is finishing her make up. "Coming." She comes downstairs and she looks beautiful. "Let's go." I say waking to my car. "Babe you sure it is smart? Ivy hates me." "I am not letting her make me wait to let my family meet you. And I know for sure that she will like you in a other surrounding." "If you say so." Y/n says kissing my hand. After a 20 minute drive we arrive at the family house.

We get out of the car and go to the front door. When I wanted to open the door with my key, someone opens it. "Sissy!" "Hi my love." I say giving her a hug. "What is she doing here?" "Ivy be kind! This is y/n my girlfriend." "Why do you date the witch from my school?" "Ivy Williamson be kind!" "What? She makes my life hard." "Ivy we aren't here for your opinion, so just keep it to yourself. And for your information y/n told me the names you call her at school. You better stop with that right now!" "You aren't my mum." "What's going on here?" "Leah's girlfriend that's going on. Did you know she's dating that bitch?" Ivy snarled to mum. "Ivy room now! You don't talk like that about your sister's girlfriend." "Fine don't want to see that bitch." "Language!" Mum scolds Ivy. "Y/n I am so sorry for her behavior! And it's so nice to meet you." Mum says pulling y/n in a hug. "I know what she is like so didn't expect anything different." "Babe you don't deserve this!" I say hugging y/n from behind. "ARE YOU ALL COMING IN OR WHAT?" Jacob shouts to us, we all laugh and go to the living room. Where y/n shakes Jacob and dad's hand. We then sit down on the couch where me and y/n are on one, mum and dad on one and Jacob on the other. The question fire starts directly after we all have something to drink. Ivy is still upstairs. "Babe, you ok if I go to Ivy for a moment?" "Yeah of course." I kiss y/n her cheek and then go upstairs.

"Love may I come inside?" "If you leave the witch outside my room." "Her name is y/n, and she is downstairs." I say opening her door. "Ives." "Le le." "Why do you hate y/n?" "I hate mrs y/ln, she always says that I talk to much and don't do my work. But Le I really do my best, but my head doesn't let me. And all my teachers get me but she." "Why didn't you tell mum, dad, Jacob or me this earlier? Then we could talk with school about it." "Don't know. I don't want to see her." "Love she is my girlfriend, you will see her. Also is she still your teacher. And it doesn't matter if she is my girlfriend or not you can't call your teacher names." "Sorry le le." "Thank you but I think it is not me who you have to tell sorry." "Do you want to come downstairs with me? Or do you want me to go downstairs to get y/n?" "Will come downstairs with you." Me and Ivy go downstairs where we talk with y/n, both my little sister as girlfriend are happy they talked about it.

Y/n POV.
It's Monday so I am back for the class today. My day starts with the class of Leah's little sister. I hope really hard that she will behave, after our talk yesterday. "Hi mrs witch." Ivy says, with all her friends laughing. "Ivy Williamson, stop this right now." "Why would I listen to a whore?" "That's it, you can go to the detention room. And I will call one of your contact persons." "Just call Leah then whore. Cause of you I never want to see my sister again!" "Leave her out of this! Out now." I decide to call her mother, this is so awkward.

Amanda POV.
At the moment I am at my work when my phone goes. I directly see that it is Ivy's school. So I leave the meeting to pick it up. "Hello with mrs Williamson." I say picking up the phone. "Hi mrs, you are speaking to y/n y/ln, Ivy's English teacher." "Yes and my other daughter's girlfriend so never call me mrs again." "Okay, I call to let you know that Ivy is excluded from all lessons today cause of her behavior." "I am so sorry y/n. What did she do?" "She called me names again and also decided to give her opinion on me and Leah's relationship but with no kind words." "Do we need to pick her up?" "Yes, she is waiting for someone to pick her up." "Okay I will look who can pick her up. Once again sorry."

I am so mad, but I can't leave my work. So I decide to app in the family app that we have with Leah, Jacob, my husband and I. Leah directly tells me that she will pick her up. So I thank her and then go back to work.

Leah POV.
After my mom's message I am really mad, as me, y/n and Ivy had a good conversation. So I literally jumped in my car, and leave to the school, but not before I messaged y/n. 'Hey babe, just talked to my mom and I will come to collect her. So sorry for her behavior. Love you! Xx' I send her. Not much later she reacts. 'It did really hurt babe. Please be careful she also called you names. But speak to you in a minute as it is protocol to talk to the adult that picks up the teenager.' She messaged me back, now I am even more furious, but I am also happy to see my girlfriend for a little bit, even under this situation.

Y/n POV.
My lesson finished so I am in my office at the moment working on some things and waiting for my girlfriend to pick up her sister and have a talk about her behavior. Just after I checked Leah's location I heard a knock. "Yeah come in" I shout, till my surprise it is Ivy. "Yes Ivy, what can I do for you?" "I am so sorry y/n!" "Okay but why did you do it? I thought Leah, you and I had a great conversation yesterday?" "Yeah we did, but I am scared that my friends will not like me anymore if ..." "Ivy, can you call them friends when they expect you to be rude to a teacher? And was it really necessary to give your opinion on me and Leah like that? Your sister is coming to pick you up." "Why her?" She snarls, when my school phone rings. It is the reception to call me that Leah is here. "Ivy wait outside my office please I have to collect your sister at the front." "Okay miss y/ln."

I walk to the front where I see Leah. "Hey come with me please. Ivy is waiting outside of my office." "You have your own office?" Leah says surprised we talk some more and then we enter my office. "Come in Ivy." I say, she follows me and Leah in. "Please sit down. Let me begin with that I don't like that I have to do this." "Then why did you?" "Ivy let her talk!" Leah says irritated with her sister. "But I can't accept this behavior from everyone, that also includes you Ivy. So please let this be the last time I have to call your mom in this sort things cause it was really awkward." "I am sorry y/n, I will search for new friends. Can I give you a hug?" "Of course, come here." She gives me a hug, out of the corner of my eye I see Leah smiling at us. So after the hug Leah asks Ivy to wait in the car for her. Directly after Ivy left the office Leah kisses me, I kiss her back. "Love my next lesson starts in 10 minutes and Ivy is waiting for you." "I know." She places her lips against mine once again. "Was the phone call with mom that bad?" "Yes it was. I called her mrs Williamson to be polite and she didn't like it cause I am your girlfriend so she never wants to hear me call her that once again." "She likes you baby." Leah smiles kissing me again. "What you doing tonight?" "Nothing yet." "Okay now you have plans I will drop Ivy home and then I will come over." "Okay love, kiss and then we need to go." We peck each other's lips and then we go. Hopefully Ivy will behave from now on. ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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