Beth Mead & Vivianne Miedema

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Beth and Vivianne are together for 1.5 year. They are really happy together, but they miss something. But what are they missing?
Vivianne POV.
Me and my girlfriend are laying in bed with a light hangover, yesterday we had Leah Williamson her birthday and let's say we had a few drinks to much. "I love u!" "I love you to baby!" I smile at Beth. "Baby do you also miss something?" "I think I do!" "Do you want a fur baby with me?" Beth smiles at me with a little pout. "Of course I want that!" "When can we look for one?" "Go look on internet baby and then we can see, good?" She kisses me and picks her phone to look at some puppies. I only cuddle in her and when I fall almost asleep Beth squeaks. "Baby look at this little girl!" "Sleep." I mock. "Baby look, otherwise I am going to buy it alone this afternoon!" Beth says as she knows that trick will wake me up. I decide to look at Beth's phone and see a really cute puppy. "Can you contact the owner? I want her to be ours." I smile at my girlfriend. Beth calls the breeder who tells us we can come this afternoon. "Babe can we buy some supplies already." Beth pouts. "Of course love but we also have training." She nods and kisses me. Then we change and go to the pet shop. We buy things like food, a crate and pee pads. Beth's face while shopping is adorable. "Babe can we buy this?" She smiles picking a Dino toy. "Of course baby! But now we have to go to training." We pay and then leave to the training ground.

"Beth where is your head?" Jonas asks mad when Beth shoots miss for the 6th time. "Sorry coach. It will not happen again." She mumbles, I laugh at it. "Not funny." I hear her mumble.

Training finished we shower in a hurry and then go to the breeder. We ring the doorbell and hear some dogs barking to cute. The door opens and we are welcomed in. "MOM THAT ARE MIEDEMA AND MEAD." We hear a little girl. "Lola behave! They are just here to look at the last puppy." The breeder tells her daughter off. "I am sorry for that! She is a big fan of the both of you." "That is no problem at all! Do you want a picture?" Beth smiles, the little girl nods so we take a picture with her. After the picture they take us to the puppy. The puppy directly runs to Beth who kneels down. "Hi little girl, you're so cute." I smile at my girlfriend and kneel beside her and pet the dog. "Vivi, I am already in love. It's love at the first sight." "Same for me love." We cuddle and play a little bit with the little girl. "What do you both think?" "We want her." We both say at the same time. "She is ready to go if you want." "Really?" Beth asks in un believe. "Yes." The breeder smiles. "We have all things we need so we would love to." "Okay I will make all paperwork up and then you can take her."

When all paperwork was done we left. I am driving us home cause Beth wanted the snuggles. "Babe, what do you think about calling her Myle?" "Wow! I love that name. So Myle Meadema it is." After a hour we are finally home, I go inside to change some things in the house and put Myles things in places while Beth take her for a little walk. "Love someone did do brave." Beth says directly when she enters with Myle. "Did she?" "Yes! A few big pee's and one big poo." I kneel down and give Myle one big fuss.

What a hell of a night it was. Myle wasn't calm and it didn't matter what we did she was beeping. She also had a bad tummy, trough that we had to clean her crate multiple times and take her outside more then we like. Now it is 9 am and Beth is in the garden with Myle while I clean her create once again. Lucky enough it was only pee this time. "Babe can we come inside?" Beth asks through the window that I opened because of the smell. "Of course love." They come inside Myle directly "plays" with the little dinosaur while Beth comes to me for cuddles. "Hopefully she sleeps better coming night." She sighs against my chest.

It's afternoon and we have training in a hour we decided to take Myle with us, hopefully she doesn't pee or poo anywhere inside at the club. No one of the team knows about her yet, so we really want to see the team their reactions.

When we arrive at the club I carry Myle inside with my own bag while Viv picks her bag and Myles things. When we enter the chill room where everyone is, everyone is directly in a aw with looks of disbelief. "Wait what?" Jen says. "Hey girls, this is our little puppy Myle Meadema." I say kissing Myles head. Everyone smiles at her and some of the girls come to pet her while Viv makes her corner ready, with some pee pads and a water bowl she also puts down some toys. Everyone tries to get a snuggle with Myle and then we go outside where we put Myle in a little crate so she can sleep. I couldn't be any happier, a lovely girlfriend and a puppy. ~

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