Chapter 3

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"Ugh, I hate this security shit." Alex complained. 

"Oh my god, I know right! It's so god damn annoying!" I replied.

"Tell me about it!" Alex said.

I weakly smiled back at her, we were almost done going through security at the airport. Our flight was taking off soon and I was so excited!

"This is gonna be great!" I cheerfully exclaimed.

"Oh my god, I know right! Seriously this is gonna be the best experience ever!" Alex said back happily.

Once we finished with security, we grabbed a snack at an indoor starbucks, along with a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino, yum.

"This is so freaking good, I can drink this stuff on a daily basis." I said with pleasure.

"I know right! I'm with you on that one!" Alex agreeing. 

"Shit, we're gonna miss our flight, look at the time!" I said to Alex.

Shit, shit shit, shit. Alex and I sprinted to the gates, and luckily we made it. Dragging our luggage along behind us, we boarded the plane. Me and Alex had seats right next to eachother, so we were thankful for that. We sat down, and waited for takeoff. I was really tired so I planned on going to doze off for a few hours, maybe watching some movies since they're was like a movie theatre in front of me.

"This is so tiring! I'm gonna doze off after takeoff, what about you?" Questioning Alex.

"Same here girl, you know waking up early isn't my thing.." Alex said.

"Haha yea, I'm glad there is free wifi on here though, this plane is freaking awesome." I happily said.

I was wondering why Alex wasn't answering me back? I look to my right, and of course she's sleeping, she's gonna be a wreck in college, ha. I plugged in my earbuds due to take off in a few minutes, and then as soon as I know, we are up in the sky! Woohoo! I went on my phone and checked twitter, I had alot of mentions saying how lucky I was to meet the boys from my previous tweet. I stalked the boys for a bit and some humourous directioner pages, and I decided to tweet something.


On the plane for our first stop in England for the boy's concert! eeeeep! so excited ahh! LML! @AlexHoran is being a fag and sleeping already, psht loser.

*Your tweet has been sent*

My directioner followers have been reminding me how lucky I was, I must say, i'm pretty damn lucky. I closed off twitter and decided to doze off for the rest of the flight.

After about how many freaking hours, the flight attendant lady woke me and Alex up, we woke up, feeling groggy as we heard her saying we arrived in England. Oh my goodness we are finally here. Me and Alex looked at eachother and did a happy dance. We got our luggages and left the plane arriving at the airport. 

"HELLLLLLO ENGLAND!!!" Both, Alex and I said cheering on. 

Short sweet chapter :) I had to make it short cause it's a bit late and I'm really busy with school, I'll update soon though I promise. I freaking hate mondays! How does everyone like the story so far though? Vote, and comment please my lovelies :)

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