Morning Coffee and Movie Theatres

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Westview, New Jersey.
June 1995.

"Steve! Get your ass down here! I promised Wanda I'd meet her and Pietro for coffee!" I yelled up the stairs as I bent over to tie my converse.

"Why couldn't they just pick up? They only live two houses down the road, it's not like it's out of their way to get you." He said with a very overdramatized eye roll as he made his way down the stairs and towards the front door while yanking his keys off of the hook.

"I told you why like a dozen times. Pietro has a shift at the diner this morning and Wanda and I have one at the movie theatre today." I replied while trying to balance on the bricks lining the walking path that leads to our driveway where Steves car sat.

Apparently, being two years older meant he automatically got the family car and left me up shit creek to pay for my own. Technically, my parents said they'd match whatever money I put towards whatever car I wanted, but that didn't mean I wanted to use any of my money when I can just mooch off of Steve. That's what older brothers are for, right?

The family car was a jet black 1967 Chevy Impala. One of those family cars that our grandfather had bought so he could teach our dad to work on it, who then taught Steve and I how to work on cars with it.

'I never want you to have to depend on a man for anything. Not even for car problems. A man should be able to help, but should never be your only option.' Is what dad always said to me whenever we would work on the car.

"Why do you work there still? You've been there for years and I know you have a fuck ton of money saved up, cause you never spend any." Steve said as he put the keys in the ignition and let the engine start.

He was right. I spent money on small things like food when I went out with friends or clothes when I absolutely needed them. But, I never spent any extra. I had been working there with Wanda since our freshman year of high school. That was 6 years ago.

"You know why, Steve. The Parker's are amazing. But, Ben, May, and Peter aren't enough to keep that place going by themselves. It's barely enough with Wanda, MJ, and I. Plus, it's a lot of fun working there. It's just my friends and I. It never feels like work." I respond, never looking away from the window.

"Yea, you guys always just dick around there. Plus, the free movies and snacks don't hurt either." Steve said with a small laugh

"True, and we basically just work whenever we want at this point. Ben and May don't care, as long as things get done and are taken care of. Makes classes easier when I can come and go to work as I please." I shrugged as Steve pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop to let me out.

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