meeting the potters

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A week had passed, since Perseus, Annabeth, and Diana began their sea voyage to to Great Britain, now Perseus could have used his powers over sea vessels to speed up the trip, but he wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet, for what little bit of it he had left anyways. Diana had been getting better each and every day with her sword training, as well as her dagger fighting capabilities, thanks to the tutelage of Perseus, and a little bit of advice and training from Annabeth.

Upon reaching the shores of the country, the trio made their way towards their destination, wondering when Lily would show up, with the portkey made by lady Hecate herself. They weren't waiting for very long, making small talk, while glancing around occasionally, trying to spot the woman they were to be meeting.

They hadn't been talking and looking around for very long, when a beautiful woman walked up. She had long, flaming red hair, nice smooth, tanned skin tone, gorgeous emerald eyes, that burned like fire, she was relatively tall, standing about five foot and eight inches. Her eyes held love, joy, and compassion.

"excuse me, but are you by any chance, Perseus Jackson, Annabeth chase, and Diana? I am Lily Potter, and I am supposed to be meeting them here." the woman, now named as Lily Potter, spoke to them. Perseus then grinned at her, "yes, that's us. Sorry, we weren't exactly sure where we were supposed to meet you at, lady Hecate just told us to find a restaurant or something, and you would find us."

Lily just grinned at them, and said, "no harm done, if you are okay with it, then we can go ahead and head back to the manor. I'm sure Eleni will be happy to see you, maybe, if you are okay with it, you could even tell her some stories? She loves hearing tales of such things." the young beautiful mother spoke.

Perseus just smiled, and said, "well I have no problem with telling her stories, though there are some things I wanted to ask you about when we get back to your home. Best to do it there, rather than here out and in the open." Lily had no problem with him asking her some questions. She expected it, plus one would have to be a complete and utter dumbass, if they never questioned anything.

Heading out into the alley, down into the shadows, Lily pulled out a string, and whispered, while pointing her wand at it, "portus" the string glowed blue, and vibrated, and the four of them were whisked away to Potter manor. A tunnel of spinning, distorted voices and sights, and smells. Dazedly, the group, with the exception of Lily, got up, shaking, trying to knock off the nauseous feeling of wanting to empty their stomachs. Lily just smirked at the others, a mirthful, feeling of sadistic enjoyment passing through her eyes. 'serves them right, it's fun once you get accustomed to magical travel', before she was unable to stop her laughter, especially when they all looked at her rather disgruntled.

Perseus looked at Lily, with a flat deadpan, "oh hilarious, really."

Lily just looked at him, before busting out in laughter again. She was laughing so hard, tears were coming out. "oh it's hilarious, a portkey, the archenemy of Perseus Jackson." (1)

Perseus glowered at her, though he was unable to keep the grin off of his face, he was glad he was able to make her laugh, he knew of the troubles she was having lately. "now that we have all had a laugh, perhaps we could make our way inside? We should probably introduce ourselves to Eleni, and if you don't mind, I would like to have all of my questions answered as soon as possible. Eleni's life could depend on it, after all." having spoken his piece, the powerful demigod looked at the beautiful demi witch, who gazed back at him, with an unreadable expression on her face.

"very well, follow me, Eleni is currently visiting her grandmother, Dorea, so if you all wait here, I will speak to her." the mother spoke. Diana was busy, eyeing all of the sights around her, she had never been off of Themyscira before, everything was new and strange to her. Her eyes held a look of awe and wonder while gazing around at the world.(2)

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