Creature's Council

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See the bottom for notes.

Walking out of the room, Percy and Lily had gone off to find Eleni, because given how she was Percy's daughter, well, they could only hope she didn't have his penchant for causing trouble, even if it was unintentional.

"So, what is she like, Eleni? Does she take more after me or you?" Percy questioned his...girlfriend? Friend with benefits? Woman he shared a kid with? Honestly speaking, he wasn't entirely sure where he and Lily stood now. Though he would at least be cordial with her, given that they have a kid together. Though he isn't sure how Annabeth would act with Eleni. She does have a bit of a possessive streak, and can be mean.

"Well, she's generally sweet, and kind to people. I think it might be to soon to tell, who she truly takes after. She's only three years old, she hasn't had much time to grow, or form a personality. I do admit though, I hoped she would take after you, that way, even if you didn't or wouldn't love me, I would have a piece of you to remain with me. That hasn't changed. I want her to be like you. You are kind, compassionate, helpful, loyal, fair, considerate, and honorable. You saved the world. You did what was right, no matter the personal cost, or how hard it was. You are also a strong, and capable warrior on the battlefield. What mother wouldn't want any child of hers to grow up and be like you?" Lily told him.

He was flattered, and astounded, that she thought so highly of him, certainly she felt strongly about him, far more than he himself did.

"You give me far more credit than I deserve. I simply did what was expected of me. The values I was raised with. That is all. Nothing more, nothing less." Percy spoke back, after he took a moment to swallow down the words she said to him.

"But that's just it. No other demigod could have done what you did. None of them could have taken out the titans that you fought during the battles in Manhattan. No other demigod would have fought against any of the Olympians. You united camp Half-blood, camp Jupiter, the Nomes, and Hotel Valhalla. You opened the gates in the camp, to allow the other Pantheons to all merge, to grow together and study together, despite the Olympians' anger and refusal. You literally changed everything, for the demigods, for the better. Thanks to you, now many demigods actually have a home, and are honored and respected. Their parents have cabins, and shrines, and temples. Major and minor gods and goddesses. Even titans and titanesses have places in the camp now. Seriously Percy, be proud and happy of your accomplishments. You deserve it. Hell, you even gave up godhood, to see this effort through." Lily said to him, and he could hear the pride, respect, and love in her voice.

His words were stuck in his throat, he was struggling to force them out. Finally, after several minutes of silence, did he find the strength, to speak.

"True I did do most of that, but I had friends there with me, every step of the way. My friends, are in many ways, more heroic than I could ever be. They all fought with me, step by step, tooth and nail, to ensure our victory. They all struggled and pushed on, despite the hardships and the pain we all went through. They may not have been the ones to stab their blades through enemies like the titans, but they took part in the battles none the less. As for all of the shrines, and temples, well, that was Jason, not me." Percy downplayed his own role and performance, during the battles with the titans.

Lily was not going to allow him to shirk away from his well earned victories and achievements though.

"Yes, you did have friends there with you, I'm not denying that, but without you there, they would have lost and died. The humans would all be dead as well, or locked in caves or cages, being used as food, or bed warmers. We both know what the king cannibal would have done, had he won, at least for a short time, the giants were already sailing around to Greece, so they would have eventually killed the titans, but for a time, the titans would have tortured the humans, and possibly the gods. As for Jason, well, he did ask for that, but he wouldn't have had to ask that, if the gods had honored their promise and wish to you on the Styx, you may not have asked for shrines and temples, but you did ask that all gods and goddesses, minor or major, to be given honor and respect." Lily retorted.

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