[chapter eight: family reunion]

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Screaming broke the couple apart, worry flooding through them. Druig and Astraea looked at each other, fear seeping through their ragged breathing. "Stay here. Do not move." He told her.

"No, I can help-" She began.

"No! Please, stay here. For our child, stay here." He told her. She nodded and clutched onto her baby safely. Druig kissed her forehead quickly before running to the center of the camp. Astraea sat behind the nearest tree, calming herself and her crying baby.

The wait for Druig to return seemed like forever to Astraea. She hoped nothing bad had happened to her husband nor her family.

She waited and waited, her own worry was eating her alive. She was about to do the irrational when she heard footsteps approach her. She turned and let a sigh of relief out.

She quickly used her power to create a bassinet out of the Earth's weeds. She placed down her baby and quickly rushed to her husband. She noticed his jacket was gone, cuts running down one of his upper biceps and his cheek. She cupped his cheek, checking for any more injuries. Once she found none, she kissed him lightly. "Are you okay?" She said.

He nodded, 'I'm alright, little dove. But your sister isn't.' He said, a gloomy expression washed over his face. She was about to question what he meant when she heard the loud sobs of Thena. Her eyes widened and she sprinted to the sound of the sobs. When she got there, she was met with the sight of Gilgamesh dead. She saw Thena heavily sobbing on top of his corpse. Her eyes widened, tears streaming down her face. "No..' She whispered.

She walked next to Thena, dropping to her knees. She grabbed Gilgamesh's cold hand, letting out a cry. She grabbed her sister into a hug. Druig, who had just arrived carrying the baby, and everyone else surrounded them feeling angry and upset.


Everyone was now at the edge of the river bank, witnessing Karun saying a prayer while Gilgamesh's body burned. Astraea and Druig left their baby in the hands of Astraea's handmaiden, allowing them to say goodbye to their friend alone.

After the body burned, Druig stepped back, far enough to still be in the presence of his wife to check on her. Astraea used her power to create lavender, Gilgamesh's favorite flower. Thena spread his ashes into the sea and Astraea did the same with the lavender.

Druig watched as his wife spread the flowers, sending a small prayer. Sersi had walked up to him, in hope of convincing him to help.

"When we left, I thought about taking over the minds of every human on this planet. Violence, fear, greed, all gone." Druig said.

"Why didn't you?" Sersi asked.

Druig pursed his lips and sighed, "Astraea made me realize that without their flaws or emotions, they wouldn't be human."

"Druig, you can't stay here anymore. These deviants are growing a conscious. Do it for Astraea."

"No, Sersi. That makes them us. Eternals and Deviants. Arishem's children. But you are asking me to take control of the mind of a Celestial. I do not have that kind of power." He said.

"We'll get Phastos." She said.

Druig scoffed, "Well good luck. He lost faith in humans long ago."


Five of the Eternals were waiting for the rest in Iraq. It was a hot day so Astraea opted for some army green shorts and a gray tank top. Her husband, on the other hand, wore all black pants, shirt, and leather jacket.

"Aren't you hot in that?" Astraea asked.

Druig looked over his outfit, "Yeah. I think I am hot in this." He smirked.

Astraea rolled her eyes, "That's not what I meant." She said.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "I know."

She chuckled as she snaked her arms around him. Not long after, the three missing Eternals arrived.

Astraea smiled and walked to Phastos and brought him in a hug. "It's been long Phastos. How are you? How's your family?"

Phastos hugged her back. "We're good. How's little Atlas?"

"He's doing great. He's getting much bigger and chubby. I have some pictures, you wanna see?" She said happily.

"Well duh."

"Wait, you two knew about each other's families?" Ikaris asked.

Astraea gave him a stern look, "Well unlike some people, I actually do visit my family."

"Alright feisty, let's get back to our mission." Druig said, pulling her into his arms.

With that, Phastos used his powers to operate the Domo. Druig used his powers to lure the archeologists away. 

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